KLANG, 30 Dec: An allocation of RM500 thousand given by the Selangor State Government to every assemblymen in this state will be utilised for the development and welfare of every citizen in their respective areas.
For Kota Alam Shah Assemblyman, Manoharan Malayalam, the allocation given to him will be fully utilised to repair and upgrade several infrastructural facilities such as jogging tracks and playgrounds for the people in his area.
He said that the due to the prudent and thrifty usage of provisions, a total of six housing estates in Kota Alam Shah will enjoy the convenience of the jogging track.
“Due to this thrifty usage of allocations, we are able to provide facilities such as modern jogging tracks, with each costing RM100 thousand,” he said.
He was met at friendly gathering programme in conjunction with the Kota Alam Shah district Christmas and New Year celebrations which was held at the Kota Alam Shah District Service Centre and was attended by 300 residents of various races.
Manoharan also informed that almost 60 percent of the Assemblymen provisions given to him was used to provide educational assistance, specifically for people with low and medium income.
He said that he is providing assistance for school fees, fees for student transportation, and other assistance such as school bags and so on.
“I have also given a token of RM200 to every student that obtained all A’s in all subjects in school to appreciate their efforts,” he said.
Apart from that, he will also place importance in health and medical aid for the welfare of the people in his area.