PETALING JAYA, 3 Dec: The Umno General Assembly which ended yesterday did not focus on government policies and problems of the people, instead concentrating on igniting racialism, including trying to bring back ‘the ghost of May 13’.
Umno’s action is due to the rising sense of fear that Umno leaders will lose power when people reject them in the upcoming 13th General Election, says PKR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
“The act of calling back the May 13 ‘ghost’ was to create hatred between the Malays and non-Malays.
“Next, they will cultivate a culture of fear among the people that the bloodshed will happen if Umno loses power,” Anwar said in a press release.
Anwar also said the action was provocative and may be regarded as a crime.
The statement was issued by Wanita Umno chief Datuk Seri Sharizat Abdul Jalil in her opening speech at the Wanita Umno assembly meeting last week.
Anwar claims that Shahrizat’s statement is an attempt to revive her political career after being pressured to resign in regards to the National Feedlot Corporation scandal.
In the three-day conference, the Umno president who is also the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, also took the opportunity to attack Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders.
“Where are the ideas for the economy and social justice, health, housing and education?
“If he possesses a strong reason to oppose Pakatan Rakyat, he should accept my challenge to confront and debate. So that the people can evaluate who is telling the truth and who is fond of cheating.
“Do not hide behind your cheap propaganda machine and be a real man as the Prime Minister and come down to the court to debate with me,” said Anwar.
Najib also claimed that Anwar is a proxy for foreign powers, the United States and China, and at the same time, apostasy will run rampant and turn Malaysia into a Christian nation if Umno goes extinct in the next election.