ICU Project Investigation Did Not Follow Rules


PETALING JAYA, 11 Jan: PKR claims that many projects undertaken by the Implementation Coordination Unit (ICU) under the Prime Minister’s Department (JPM), were carried out wrongly or not in accordance with the rules.

PKR Consumer Affairs Bureau Chairman, Yahya Sahri said that due to that, the National Audit Department an the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) have been urged to investigate the projects which were built without following legal rules.

He said that they violated the arrangement stated in the manual as to how a project should be developed as outlined by JPM as well as the Ministry of Finance.

The arrangement states that to development the land, variation of conditions have to obtain planning permission from the Local Authority (PBT) and to comply with the permission conditions given, however this was not followed.

He added by citing that as many as 18 small projects undertaken by ICU in Kuala Selangor, each worth around RM90,000, were carried out in the manner of ‘gotong-royong’ without hiring a contractor.

“How can projects like this be undertaken without clear specifications, to whom was the payment made out to and who was the technical officer and monitoring officer to ensure the smooth implementation of the projects,” asked Yahya during a press conference at the PKR headquarters.

He held a press conference after receiving many complaints and grievances from Village Heads an Community Heads from various areas affected by the implementation of the ICU projects.

He explained that two of the ICU projects, the fish landing jetty owned by the Department Of Fisheries Malaysia (LKIM) in Bagan Pasir Penambang Kuala Selangor and at Kampung Sungai Yu, costing RM24 million, making them White Elephant projects and have the status of abandoned projects.

The LKIM jetty in Bagan Pasir Penambang was completed for almost two years but could not be used due to various problems, among them is that it has yet to receive approved variation of conditions and planning permission from the local authorities.

While the fish landing jetty in Kampung Sungai Yu also has similar problems and cannot be used overall.

“The residents and fishermen are complaining because the RM5 million project could not be used properly with the absence of water and electricity, and garbage collection services cannot be undertaken,” said Yahya.

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