BANGI, SEP 22: The Selangor Islamic University College (KUIS) is leading the movement in creating awareness on the dangers of dengue at institutions of higher learning by creating a ‘Dengue Squad’.
The initiative is to promote awareness among students on the importance of cleanliness in their study areas and hostels.
In welcoming the effort, Health, Welfare, Women and Family Development Exco Dr Daroyah Alwi said the approach should be emulated by other institutions of higher learning in the state.
“KUIS is doing something positive and we can see that they are proactive and determined to prevent dengue among students.
“This approach creates a broader understanding for the Dengue Squad, and also to other students to spread the information on the dangers of dengue,” she said.
She was speaking to reporters during Terjah Denggi dan Zika progamme in KUIS on September 21.
Dr Daroyah said the State Government is actively campaigning to create awareness and also creating special task forces to monitor areas in schools that are high-risk Aedes breeding grounds.
“In our discussion, the State Government encouraged schools to set up their own dengue squad.
At the same time, Kid Volunteers at pre-school level have also been created with activities promoting cleanliness and gotong-royong in their respective areas,” she said.