SHAH ALAM, OCT 4: Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) launched the AMAR JAIS app to facilitate the public in providing information and lodging complaints.
JAIS Director Dato’ Haris Kasim said the application was created to provide an interactive and informative user-friendly virtual link between JAIS and the public.
“JAIS officers, imam, inspectors and mosque officers are urged to download this application to easily send information directly to JAIS enforcers for immediate action.
“This application also provides information on ‘syariah law’ and provides free push notification ‘blasting’ which otherwise the department would have to pay for,” he said.
He was speaking after the JAIS Monthly Assembly at Dewan Muktamar Selangor Syariah Judiciary Department (JAKESS), on October 4.
However, he said the application is not for all types of complaints, namely, marital problems, but is more for community issues.
“The application is meant for complaints related to immoral offences, deviant teachings and ‘khalwat’.
“Matters like these often go unreported as these are usually committed covertly.
“Therefore, the public is urged to cooperate and use this application to share information preventing these offences from becoming widespread.
The application is expected to push JAIS one step ahead of other states in using the current ICT technology, in line with the state’s objective of ‘Smart Selangor’.
The official websites for JAIS and JAIS Enforcement Management Division e-Syurtoh are being linked to the application.
These two important links in the application simplify tasks of enforcers in interacting and carrying out their duties.
In the same event, JAIS also launched their enforcers’ portable Ikonografi which illustrates how far they have travelled to perform their duties.
The portable Ikonografi is expanded to enlighten and encourage the community to personally uphold the teachings of Islam.