Merdeka Centre Study: 50% Unsatisfied by the Way the Government Handles the Disappearance of MH370

SHAH ALAM, 1 Apr: The majority of people expressed dissatisfaction on the way the Federal Government addressed the disappearance of the MH370 aircraft since 8 March.

In a recent survey by the independent research firm, Merdeka Centre, it showed that 50 percent of 513 respondents were unsatisfied, while only 43 percent expressed satisfaction.


According to the survey, 50 percent of respondents were dissatisfied with the crises management, while 43 percent were satisfied.

The breakdown of respondents showed more non-Malay voters were not satisfied with the government’s actions – 74 percent from the Chinese community and 59 percent from the Indian community.

In contrast, 63 percent on Malay voters expressed satisfaction compared to 30 percent who were dissatisfied.

The more satisfied group were found to consist of civil servants (53 percent) and those not officially working (50 percent).

The report released by Merdeka Centre was on a survey conducted from 13 March to 20 March.


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