
OSA not obstacle to transparency in Selangor


SHAH ALAM, JUL 24: The State Government has always practiced the principle of transparency in information to the public and it does not hide behind the Official Secrets Act (OSA) and the Security Offenses (Special Measures) 2012 (SOSMA).

Sekinchan Assemblyman, Ng Suee Lim said, that is different from the Federal Government’s administration which uses various acts to hide misconducts in their administration.

“If it is Federal, they would use OSA to cover their scandals but for Selangor, neither OSA nor SOSMA will stop the State Government from being transparent,” he said.

He said that when debating the motion brought by the Agency, Statutory Bodies and Subsidiaries Elect Committee (JP-ABAS) during the Second Meeting of the Fifth Term of the 13th Selangor State Assembly.

He said leaders in the federal are also at high risk of losing their jobs if they question certain issues which are being deliberately hidden.


UK MPs surprised at Selangor opposition’s many benefits


SHAH ALAM, JULY 24: United Kingdom (UK) Members of Parliament were surprised when they learnt that the Selangor State Assembly allocated the Public Accounting Committee Chairman’s position to an opposition elected official.

Assembly Speaker Hannah Yeoh said the surprise was related to her by four UK MPs who visited the assembly today.

“They met me before the assembly began to inquire about the assembly’s reformation and the difference between practices here compared with the Parliament and other state assemblies.

“They were surprised to see how Selangor is conducting reforms including creating the PAC that must be helmed by the opposition and other benefits,” she told SelangorKini at the Annex Building recently.

At the same time, Yeoh said the Assembly has received many visitors from developed nations including Commonwealth countries who come to see for themselves how democracy is practised here.

“We have good relations with the British High Commisioner and other commissions and arrange regular dialogues and exchange of ideas.

“Therefore, they feel the need to see how different the assembly is conducted for themselves,” she said

The four UK MPs who visited the assembly were Sir David Amess, Chris Leslie, Baroness Northover and RT Hon John Whittingdale.

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Four UK Members of Parliament witness Assembly sitting


SHAH ALAM, JULY 24: The Selangor State Assembly once again received an honour when four United Kingdom Members of Parliament paid a visit to witness the Second Sitting of the Fifth Term of the 13th Selangor State Assembly which began today.

The four MPs were Sir David Amess, Chris Leslie, Baroness Northover and RT Hon John Whittingdale.

The MPs met earlier with Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali at his office at the Annex Building.

They then were escorted by Mohamed Azmin to the assembly to witness the proceedings.

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Wifi Smart Selangor expanded to outlying areas


SHAH ALAM, JULY 24: The state government is targeting 4,100 Wifi Smart Selangor installations throughout Selangor by December for the benefit of the rakyat.

Education, Human Capital Development, Science, Technology and Innovation Exco Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said the target included additions in outlying areas to ensure the implementation is enjoyed by all citizens.

He said till today there are 3,239 Wifi Smart Selangor hotsposts with an increase of 2,981 hotspots compared to the previous year.

“The total targeted is higher as the year ends and it is being implemented in rural areas to ensure that wifi installation is not concentrated in towns,” he said when answering the oral question by Kajang Assemblyman at the fifth term of the 13th Selangor State Assembly.

At the same time, Nik Nazmi said that the Wifi Smart Selangor coverage in towns has reached 76%.


He said the areas included Shah Alam City Council (MBSA), Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ), Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ), Kajang Municipal Council (MPKJ) and Klang Municipal Council (MPK).

“Hotspot installation is focused on high density areas involving youth and also places with public interest.

“The percentage of Wifi Smart Selangor coverage in cities is higher as 93% of Selangor citizens live there,” he said.

Wifi Smart Selangor is a free service by the State Government as a benefit to the public and has over 3,000 hotspots throughout the state.

The initiative is implemented as the State Government’s commitment to reduce the digital divide and improve the standard of living for the community.



Dengue in Selangor declining


SHAH ALAM, MAR 29: Dengue cases in Selangor continue to decline drastically as the various efforts implemented in the past few years have started to show results.

Health, Welfare, Women and Family Development Exco, Dr Daroyah Alwi said, a total 63,198 cases were recorded in 2015 which then declined by 18 percent to 51,652 cases in 2016.

She said, death cases had also declined by 39 percent with 78 cases in 2016 compared to 127 in 2015.

“Up to last March 25, Selangor recorded 11,598 cases which is a reduction of 6,606 cases, or 36 percent, compared to 18,204 cases in 2016.

“Selangor managed to reduce death cases by 59 percent which is 29 cases down to 12 cases in the same period in 2017,” she said.


Daroyah said that during a question and answer session in the 13th Selangor State Assembly Session, today, the third day of the assembly.

Daroyah said, the success is the result of various efforts planned and implemented by the State Government together with Selangor Health Department (JKNS), local authorities, district and land offices, district health offices and community leaders.

She said, the State Government has also implemented 12 programmes covering many aspects including awareness campaign for the community.


BBC DNS: Opposition be brave to provide valid proof on SMUE issue


SHAH ALAM, MAR 29: Selangor Government Supporters’ Club (BBC DNS) has challenged opposition’s wakil rakyat, from Umno-BN to provide valid proof on the statement given outside Selangor State Assembly (DNS) relating to Skim Mesra Usia Emas (SMUE).

Sekinchan Assemblyman, Ng Suee Lim said the accusation was made in DNS without valid evidence is unacceptable and it is an unhealthy practice.

“This is a bad and slanderous accusation as every payment made with SMUE money is audited but they revealed the minutes of meeting in the assembly session but we do not know what.

“It is a baseless accusation, hence we ask that if there is evidence that RM35,000 has been used as Damansara Utama Assemblyman, Yeo Bee Yin said, please say it outside the assembly session and do not use the immunity in the assembly,” she said the a media session at the DNS lobby yesterday.

In the DNS session, several Umno-BN Assemblymen particularly Kuang Assemblyman, Datuk Abdul Shukur Idrus raised the SMUE issue accusing several Assemblymen including PAKATAN Members of Parliament of being involved.

Sri Andalas Assemblyman, Dr Xavier Jayakumar said, SMUE is an aid scheme which has been ongoing since 2008, benefiting around 800,000 recipients so far. Hence Umno-BN must be out of ideas to be raising this issue now.

“It’s simple, if the event of any death, we as wakil rakyat will withdraw RM1,000 to be given to the beneficiary and the record will be submitted to District Office, so it is impossible for any corruption to happen,” he said.

Hulu Kelang Assemblyman, Saari Sungip said, the wild accusation is not just directed to wakil rakyat from PAKATAN but also aimed at Selangor civil servant.

Meanwhile, Selat Klang Assemblyman, Dr Halimah Ali said, there is recent news stating that Umno Selat Klang has made a police report relating to this issue as it is believed to be related to him.

“But for me, this is not an issue as Selangor Children’s Heritage Foundation (Yawas) conducts periodical audits and we have no problem because we have all the files and documents, we are prepared to cooperate. To me this accusation is politically motivated,” he said.


Batang Kali Assemblyman referred to Rights and Privileges Committee


SHAH ALAM, NOV11: The Selangor State Assembly approved a motion to bring Batang Kali Assemblyman Dato ‘Mat Nadzari Ahmad Dahlan to the Rights and Privileges Committee.

Proposed by State Exco Datuk Teng Chang Kim following Mat Nadzari’s speech at the State Assembly on November 1 alleged to mean there were some members of the administration, led by Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali, who do not acknowledge the role of the Constitutional King.

It was supported by Sekinchan Assemblyman Ng Suee Lim for debate in the House.

In his explanation of the matter, Ng claimed that the statement by Mat Nadzari referring to DAP, is deemed as not acknowledging the role of the Conference of Rulers in the administration system of the country.


“Throughout the State Government’s administration, DAP has never not acknowledged the role of the Constitutional King. Instead, we fully support it.

“The ones who eroded the King’s Constitutional’s powers were Umno and BN in the 1990s, not DAP and DAP had never been in power at the federal level,” he said.

Mat Nadzari, in his statement, requested for whatever had been said to be interpreted clearly, and hoped that a fair decision be made on the matter.

He said that the DAP’s constitution, which he had studied, also did mention the party’s support to the Kingl.

“In the 18 items listed, not a single word which supports the Constitutional King,” he claimed.

Meanwhile, Kampung Tunku Assemblyman Lau Weng San when participating in the debate, touched on a few statements made by Mat Nadzari in social media that  allegedly linked DAP to the issue of Islam and the Conference of Rulers.

However, it was objected to by Permatang Assemblyman Dato’ Sulaiman Abdul Razak who hoped that the meeting was not influenced by the statement.

The debate ended with Speaker Hannah Yeoh deciding that Batang Kali Assemblyman be referred to the relevant committee after a majority of Assemblymen agreed to the motion.


Opposition Leader’s speech enshrined in Selangor State Assembly Standing Orders


SHAH ALAM, NOV 11: The Selangor State Assembly made amendments to the Standing Orders, namely the addition of the Opposition Leader’s speech in Standing Order 13 (1) and Standing Order 14 (A).

Speaker Hannah Yeoh said that this allows the Opposition Leader’s right to give a speech to be guaranteed under Selangor State Assembly Standing Orders in future.

She said that it also provides opportunity and space for the Opposition Leader to interact directly with the Dato’ Menteri Besar.

“This is a first in the country; providing such guaranteed rights to the Opposition Leader in efforts to establish the practice of check and balance.

“This decision had previously already been consulted with by each State Exco, government agencies such as the police, and non-governmental organisations,” she said at a press conference.


At the same time, Hannah said that the Opposition Leader’s speech should be sent to the State Assembly not less than two days before the start of the conference.

“The text should not exceed 2,000 words and should be regarding matters under the responsibility of the Dato’ Menteri Besar, which have not been discussed in the same meeting.

“This allows the Dato’ Menteri Besar to provide oral answers to the issues raised and only the Opposition Leader may seek clarification if a need arises,” he said.

Under the amendment, the meeting will be in accordance the following provisions;

  1. a) The speaker enters the hall officially
  2. b) Recites prayer
  3. c) New members take their vows
  4. d) Sultan’s Address
  5. e) Proclamation by Speaker
  6. f) Appeal
  7. g) Questions to Menteri Besar
  8. h) Wish to postpone the meeting due to public interest
  9. i) Explanation from Menteri Besar
  10. j) Praise speech
  11. k) Condolence speech
  12. l) Personal explanations
  13. m) Bringing the State Law Bill to a meeting
  14. n) The motion on Order of Business (to be issued by Menteri Besar)
  15. o) The motion to adduce Bill
  16. p) General affairs
  17. q) Opposition Leader’s speech

Practise equality: Selangor rejects narrow-minded politics



SHAH ALAM, NOV 10: Narrow-minded political culture that focuses on specific groups is not a practice of the State Government in upholding dignity and up-keeping the people’s economy in the state.

Youth, Sports, Culture and Entrepreneurial Development Exco Amirudin Shari said this is materialised via the Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES) programme which is inclusive of all, without the exclusion of race or religion.

“Since 2008, we have tried to overcome the selective mind-set by implementing programmes which encompasses all kinds of people, without excluding any group whatsoever.

“However, should the need arise, there can be also a focus on a specific group if it is necessary to the programme such focusing on farmers whose majority as mostly Indians to assist them in improving their living standards,” he said at the Selangor State Assembly on November 10.

He said while representing Dato’ Menteri Besar, Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali in answering an oral question by Hulu Kelang Assemblyman Saari Sungib regarding the matter.


At the same time, Amirudin also stressed that the racism issue should not be wrongly capitalised upon by any party to gain support.

“Attitudes of hate should also be avoided altogether, inversely, we should uphold and cherish the concept of multiracial unity. In fact, the State Government rejects extremism regardless of whosoever practises it,” he said.


32 Kampung Chempaka residents to receive Form 5A


SHAH ALAM, NOV 9: “A total of 32 residents of Kampung Chempaka will receive the Notice 5A in the near future,” said Dato’ Menteri Besar, Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali.

He said that the approval was passed by the Selangor State Executive Council, on October 5.

“However, there had been a delay prior to this, as most of the site applications are part of Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) reserves, river reserves and road reserves.

“So before a summary paper could be made, we needed to obtain technical reviews from the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ), Town and Country Planning Department (JPBD), Drainage and Irrigation Department (JPS) and TNB,” he said at the Selangor State Assembly on November 9.

He said that in answer to a question presented by Damansara Utama Assemblyman Yeo Bee Yin regarding the application status for land grants by Kampung Chempaka residents, which had been submitted long ago.


Rawang suggests SMUE participants be given RM2,500 while still alive


SHAH ALAM, NOV 8: The state government is urged to offer the RM2,500 death benefit payment for Mesra Usia Emas Scheme (SMUE) participants be reviewed so that they can enjoy the benefit.

Rawang Assemblyman Gan Pei Nei said that previously, participants who registered with SMUE were only given Jom Shopping coupons worth RM100 every time there is a celebration.

“It is good that the Jom Shopping coupons are given as it enables them to spend, but the RM2,500 is given only to their beneficiaries after they have passed away,” he said during the debate session at the Selangor State Assembly.

He explained that the RM2,500 benefit can help elevate the burdens of the SMUE participants themselves compared to after they have passed away.


Sekinchan suggests Exco position be changed to Minister


SHAH ALAM, NOV 8: Sekinchan Assemblyman Ng Suee Lim suggested that the State Executive Council Member’s post be upgraded to Minister in line with the state governmnt’s image as the most developed state on the international stage.

If it’s state government exco then it means councillor or Council Member,” said Ng during a debate session at the Selangor State Assembly.

He explained, however, that the change could be changed through amending the Selangor State Constitution.

“Selangor is a pioneer state, always ahead in many aspects. I believe this can be done,” he said.