Is the Home Affairs Minister a Criminal?, Asked Kit Siang


SHAH ALAM, June 6: Lim Kit Siang reminded Malaysians that the Minister of Home Affairs, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has yet to clear his name from the assault charges against him in 2006.

The DAP Advisor General agreed with the recommendations of the DAP Chairman of the Legal Bureau, Gobind Singh Deo, who stated that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak should suspend Zahid from office.

Previously, Gobind who is also the Puchong MP said that it is not appropriate to appoint Zahid who still has a civil suit against him as a minister with great power over the law enforcement agencies such as the police.

Kit Siang said that Najib should clarify whether he knew of the charges against Zahid, who was at the time holding the post of Deputy Minister of Information in 2006.

“This case raises important questions as to why he was never charged by the police for criminal assault.

“This raises more questions as to whether Malaysians have a ‘criminal’ as the new Minister of Home Affairs,” said Kit Siang in a statement today.

Thus, Kit Siang questioned as to why Zahid was not taken to court by the police and convicted of criminal assault.

He said that the President of Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M), Datuk Paul Low who was appointed as a Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department should issue a statement whether he agrees that Zahid should clear his name from all charges against him.

On 16 January 2006, Zahid was indicted by a businessman, Amir Bazli Abdullah, 41, because he allegedly punched him in the eye causing a broken nose and swelling to the left eye located at the Country Heights Recreation Club in Kajang.

Zahid denied the allegations and applied to the Kuala Lumpur High Court to close the case but the court dismissed the appeal.

However, last year, three judges of the Court of Appeal panel unanimously decided to cancel the civil suit and ordered Zahid to pay RM5,000 in costs.

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