Price of Goods Increases: SAMM Urges FB Users to post ‘#Kangkung 1 Malaysia’ on Najib’s FB

SHAH ALAM, 16 Jan: The Youth Solidarity Malaysia (SAMM) has asked more users of the Facebook social networking site to state their protest against the Federal Government’s policies that have caused the increase in cost of living by typing a short message, ‘#Kangkung 1 Malaysia’ on the Prime Minister’s (PM) official Facebook page.

The SAMM Propaganda Director, Edy Noor Reduan, said that the campaign is being carried out as a continuation of the people’s awareness of being burdened due to the increase in price of services and essential goods.


“Actually, even now, many people have the courage to express their objections directly and boldly onto the PM’s Facebook page and this is a good development because the people are becoming increasingly bold and aware that they have been played out.

“Previously, many would hesitate to post a message of protest on the PM’s Facebook page. It is not like that anymore. In fact, many are brave enough to express anger openly, sarcastically and so on. This is because they have lost respect (for the PM) when they are being oppressed.

“When more are oppressed, the people will not only have the courage to take to the streets, but when the time comes, they are brave to demonstrate peacefully, even in Putrajaya,” said Edy Noor when contacted by Selangor Kini.

Elaborating, the developments on the issue of the cost of living is further worsened by the attitude of BN leaders themselves, who are fond of wasting and being extravagant, when the people are asked to tighten their belts to be thrifty.


“The people are asked to be prudent, make cuts here and there, eat kangkung (water spinach) because it is cheap. But they are being extravagant by using jets, spending on wedding expenses, an expensive birthday celebration and so on. This goes to show their insensitivity at a time when the people are suffering.

“There may be those not affected by the election fraud because it did not harm their pockets. But when other frauds affect their daily expenses, it causes the people to be angry,” he said.

Recently, Najib in his speech lamented on the actions of internet users likening the BN acronym with ‘ Barang Naik’ (Prices Up) as a phrase often used in cyberspace, including Facebook.

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