Gaza death toll reached 1,232, Israel did not respond to ceasefire

GAZA, 30 July: Israel is continuing shelling on several placement areas in Gaza and has still not responded to the motion for a ceasefire despite the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) expressing willingness to accept the proposal.

According to the spokesman for the emergency services, Ashraf al-Qudra said that the Israeli military attack which has entered into the 23rd day caused two Palestinian children to be killed, including a disabled child in Northern Gaza.


The death toll for Palestine has continued to increase, bringing the total to about 1,232 civilians killed, while on the Israeli side, 53 soldiers and three civilians were reported dead in a response attack and rockets from Islamic militants.

Prior to this, according to the AFP news agency, US Secretary of State, John Kerry, said that the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has asked for help from the US, which is trying to mediate the ceasefire.

Meanwhile, in other developments, humanitarian volunteer teams from various countries are said to fail to enter Palestine to provide food and medical assistance to the people.

However, there are attempts to channel food and medical supplies through several secret tunnels along the country’s border without being accompanied by the team of volunteers.


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