
Syariah Court a symbol to be protected


SHAH ALAM, FEB 24: The Syariah Court is not merely a platform to settle civil and criminal cases but it is also an institution that symbolises the religion itself.

Therefore, the Selangor Syariah Judiciary Department (JAKESS) Chief Syarie Judge, Yang Amat Arif Dato’ Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar said the institution must be protected by the Muslims themselves.

“The Syariah Court is one of the symbols of Islam. That means every person who claims to be a Muslim must ensure that the Court must be protected.

“In this context, all the duties to dignify the Syariah Court should not rest on the Chief Syarie Judge and other Syarie Judges alone, instead there must be support from the community including the media itself for example by channelling information to the public,” said Mohd Na’im.

He was speaking during the Chief Syarie Judge Session with Media at the Sultan Idris Shah Syariah Court Building recently.


He said, the media and Muslim community should play their roles in protecting the Court from negative perception.

Nevertheless, the Muslim community’s support and trust is important to raise the image and ultimately strengthen the Syariah Court.

“Even though the Syariah Court has successfully resolved thousands of cases which eventually helps those involved to continue with their lives, but nobody will come forward to defend the Court in the event of just one mistake it makes which can cause an uproar.

“The Syariah Court is an institution run by humans which will definitely not be a 100 percent perfect, however that is not a reason for not trying to improve,” he said.