SHAH ALAM, August 25: The Selangor level International Youth Day Celebration which took place at the Shah Alam Independence Square yesterday received response from people of various walks of life, especially from the youth.
The celebration, themed ‘Reject Corruption, Youth Freedom’, was attended by over 5,000 people starting from 7am till 12 midnight with a variety of exciting events.
For Muhammad Adam Che Yusuf, 23, the programme brought together people and even attracted young people to current issues from within and outside the country.
He said, special programmes by the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) helped provide information to the youth about corruption in the country.
“The celebration was filled with programmes of a scholarly nature rather than mere entertainment, in addition to emphasising the message on integrity in youth as a cornerstone of the future,” he said.
The same was said by Safiq Izzat Azmi, 23, who described the programme as providing a reminder of the bloody tragedy in Egypt.
He said that the dialogue and information of the tragedy in the restive country provided knowledge and information about the cause behind the recent mass murder of the people of Egypt.
“The Egypt issue provided a clear picture to those who do not know the real cause of the unrest in Egypt,” said the student of a public institution of higher learning.
Amirul Ridhuan Mohd Noor, 23, said that the Selangor government’s efforts in organising knowledgeable programmes should be praised and emulated by other states.
“Not only is it festive or a healthy way of relaxing, but is also filled with academic programmes and minimal entertainment programmes. It is the best way to produce visionary youth,” he said.
The celebration was officiated by Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim and accompanied by the Exco for Youth and Sports, Dr Ahmad Yunus Khairi.
Among the highlights was a relaxed chat session with Men’s Health expert, Dr Ismail Tambi, Ustaz Zulkifli Ahmad and celebrity, Afdlin Shauki.
Also held were Paintball events, a Walk Hunt, Cycling Hunt, Basketball 3 on 4, a Football Clinic, a Public Speaking Competition on ‘Corruption’, the Youth and Sports Cup Chess Tournament, the Blast of the Band competition and a Cup Cake Decoration Contest as well as a Felt Fabric Craft contest.
Visitors also had the opportunity to enjoy a variety of food provided by Local Authorities (LA).