
LZS helps 465 students in the Middle East

SHAH ALAM, APR 18: A total of 465 students who studied in Egypt, Jordan and Morocco receive educational assistance from the Selangor Zakat Board (LZS).

LZS chief executive officer, Mohd Hussin Ali, said that the distributions of aid involving RM9.7 million until February were given to needy recipients, poor and fisabilillah.

“Assistance channelled through the Overseas Student Bursary that continue their studies to the Middle East since the beginning of the establishment.

“Recently, a total of eight students that are poor and needy recipients chosen to go to Egypt for study,” he reported on the Sinar Harian.

He said that, due to economic uncertainty, the distribution of zakat in Selangor focused on the maqasid syariah based on the needs of dharuriyat (main aid), hajiyat (secondary aid) and Tahsiniyat (option aid).


At the same time, Hussin said a total of 46,500 needy recipient helped by LZS across the state and that number will continue to grow.

“Starting this year, a new application for Overseas Student Assistance Bursary recipients only under fisabilillah will be deferred until the time is set in order to focus on the educational needs of the poor and needy recipients,” he said.

Earlier, Sinar Harian reported Postgraduate Student Association Malaysia Egypt (Ilmam) Selangor ask LZS to review the freezing by Zakat Bursary to students who are studying in the Middle East this year.

He said 110 students who left for Egypt on April 9 did not receive the aid have caused the overall cost cover by themselves.