Live Broadcast of Lecture on the Audit Report Tonight


SHAH ALAM, 19 Oct: The public can follow the live broadcast of the premier lecture titled ‘Audit Report: Citizens Asked to Frugal; Government Continues to be Improvident’ through this portal tonight.

Among the speakers in the programme organised by the Shah Alam PAS is PAS Vice-President, Datuk Mahfuz Omar; the Selangor PAS Commissioner Datuk Abdul Rani Osman and Member of Parliament for Shah Alam, Khalid Abdul Samad.

The Shah Alam PAS organised programme will be held at the Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) Hall and is scheduled to begin at 9pm.

The broadcast time is subject to current situations at the lecture location and a repeat will be broadcast through this portal at around 8.30pm tomorrow.

To watch, click on the black box on the top right written TV Selangor Live.

Central Government Ignores BERSIH 3.0 in UN Report


SHAH ALAM, 19 Oct: The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih 2.0) is disappointed with the Central Government for denying an attack on the public and members of the media during the assembly in its report on fundamental rights to the United Nations (UN) recently.

Bersih steering committee member, Maria Chin Abdullah said the Central Government should be brave enough to admit their wrongs and be responsible for the violence against civilians in addition to working to improve human rights.

She also described the Central Government’s presentation of the report as ‘simple’ and empty because it did not touch on the issue of human rights comprehensively.

“We are disappointed because violence did happen during the assembly when the police beat up journalists and civilians who were peacefully assembling.

“If they want to send a report, the Government must take responsibility and admit if mistakes were made. We are disappointed because the Government promised many things but failed to carry them out,” she said when contacted by TVSelangor.

Maria said that she is disappointed because the Government did not mention the Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) inquiry into the violence that took place during the Bersih rally in its report.

She said the Government has always ignored suggestions or recommendations by Suhakam on this matter and considers it as something negative.

“The Government should examine Suhakam’s report and try to fix weaknesses raised about human rights because this independent body was set up in Parliament,” she added.

In its 21-page report submitted to the UN in July, ahead of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on Malaysia in Geneva this Saturday, the government presented a rather clean image about the country’s human rights issues.

Despite mentioning the Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) inquiry into the violence that took place during Bersih, the government left out Suhakam’s findings and also the background behind the inquiry.

Malaysia will face peer nations in front of the HRC on 24 October, under the UPR that takes place once every four-and-a-half years.

MBPJ Ez-Pay Counter Opens in Six Areas


PETALING JAYA, 19 Oct: The Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) will open mobile ez-pay counters in October 2013.

This is an effort and a move by the council to reduce congestion at the counter at the headquarters, especially during peak hours.

In addition, it is hoped that the ez-pay mobile counters would encourage and facilitate the public to use the mobile counter that is close to where they live.

MBPJ Implements Time-Limit Parking System


SHAH ALAM, 19 Oct: The Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) approved the implementation of a time-limit parking system on a three-month trial basis at Dataran Sunway City Centre in PJU 5, Kota Damansara, Petaling Jaya.

The MBPJ Media Secretariat said the two-hour time limit set began on 15 October and will carry on till 14 January 2014.

The statement said that the system is being implemented to reduce traffic congestion in the city centre due to vehicles double parking.

“It aims to encourage motorists who park for long periods to use the parking facilities at the Parking Complex available,” the statement said.

It also said that motorists who park for short periods of less than two hours are recommended on street parking.

The parking facilities available at Dataran Sunway City Centre as follows:-


Members of the public are asked to fully cooperate and comply with the set time limit.

Failure to comply with this time limit will result in vehicles being clamped and MBPJ will take action by towing cars parked outside the box.

Views from the public about the implementation of the time-limit parking system can be channelled directly to the following e-mail address:- [email protected] or contact the Engineering Department of MBPJ at 013-79584221.

PWD Continue to be Assisted in Selangor’s 2014 Budget


SHAH ALAM, 19 Oct: The Selangor State Government will implement the People With Disabilities (PWD) Special Assistance Scheme as an incentive to this group to be able to independently raise their living standards.

The Executive Councillor in charge of Women’s Affairs, Rodziah Ismail said the implementation of this scheme will be presented in the 2014 Budget in November which provides for various programmes benefiting PWD in the long run.

Rodziah said this scheme aims to provide equal opportunities to all parties in hopes that the group will achieve success together.

“PWD will be given a clear direction for their future shortly after graduating by taking up, for example, the Urban Micro Credit Scheme (MiMBAR) which has successfully produced entrepreneurs with small loans.

“I want PWD to emulate the success through their own effort,” she said after visiting the Ramah Daily Care and Rehabilitation Centre here in Section 10.

During the visit, Rodziah spent time mingling with 20 special children and presented contributions in the form of toys for learning from the State Government.

In other developments, Rodziah who is also the Assemblywoman for Batu Tiga said she will discuss with local authorities to provide a more comfortable area for the convenience of PWD children at the care centre.

She said halls, buildings or state government quarters which are unused will be considered as a new location for the care centre.

“The Council hopes that any unused halls may be proposed to replace the existing care centre.

“We will also discuss for any unused government buildings to be given to those who need it,” she said.

The People’s Democratisation Programme to be Intensified


SHAH ALAM, 18 Oct: The People’s Democratisation Programme to improve the new electoral roll for elections will be intensified throughout Selangor although the 13th General Election (GE-13) had just taken place on 5 May.

The Selangor PKR Secretary, Amirudin Shari said that the Pakatan Rakyat leadership plans to be more aggressive in approaching voters by providing explanation to the people at the grassroots level.

He said, the step is being taken in order to ensure that the people receive the right information on current political issues from being distorted by racial groups such as Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa (PERKASA), a non-governmental Malay supremacy organization, in determining the country’s political agenda.

“This programme will provide clarification on the State Government’s effort to improve the lives of Malays, especially in northern regions of Selangor which was not won by Pakatan Rakyat,” he said when contacted by TVSelangor.

Amirul who is also the Assemblyman for Batu Caves said that Pakatan Rakyat leaders will be meeting in the near future to draft a formula and work together to enhance the people’s awareness so that they register to vote, the younger generation in particular.

“Pakatan Rakyat is not only targeting registration but follow-up programmes and meeting with the people in addition to explaining about existing state policies.

“The electoral roll programme is important and will be enhanced and continued with added value with voter outreach programmes,” he said.

Amirudin said, similar programmes have been conducted prior to the GE-13 which gained positive results through an increase in the electoral roll, with about 300,000 new voters.

He said political awareness programmes among the younger generation will also be emphasised to bring Pakatan Rakyat closer to the group because they are the factor which will shape the country’s political scenario in the future.

Najib and Taib Should Declare Assets as Evidence of Transparency in Leadership


SHAH ALAM, 18 Oct: Member of Parliament for Sungai Petani, Datuk Johari Abdul insists that it is unfair if the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, and the Chief Minister of Sarawak, Tan Sri Taib Mahmud, do not declare their assets on grounds that they been in politics for too long.

Johari said the declaring should be done since the people already know the income of politicians, such as Chief Ministers and Members of Parliament, especially involving Pakatan Rakyat.

He said that it would not be a problem if political leaders have a lot of property, on condition that they can explain how they acquired the property involved.

“It will certainly be unfair if they do not declare the property they own. What should they fear if they have RM50 million and they can explain to the public where they got it from.

“The refusal to declare their property causes there to be suspicion that they are hiding something. I feel that the fear to declare property must have its grounds,” he said when contacted by TVSelangor here today.

Citing a report from the Malaysiakini news portal, Muhammad Asri Mohd Ali, a lecturer from the University of Malaya (UM), said that it is unfair for the two leaders to not declare their assets because they have been in politics for a long time.

Johari, also a former UM student, expressed his disappointment over the statement because declaring property is the best move to identify individuals who are involved or would like to venture into politics who are not associated with corruption.

“As it is well known, leaders who are new or have been in politics for a long time should declare their property because this way, we can identify individuals who are not involved in corruption and I think that this is the best method. If indeed they are involved in business, the leader should just declare their property without having to hide it.

“If leaders begin to declare their property, they may be considered millionaires if they have a lot of property, and that is not an issue in this country. For example, it would not be an offense if Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, Vincent Tan or any others want to join politics and declare their assets which amount to a lot,” he said.

K-Pop Concert: MACC Asked to Investigate Shabery Cheek


PUTRAJAYA, 18 Oct: Orange 13 (Jingga 13) filed a report to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to demand an investigation to be made on the former Youth and Sports Minister, Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek involving the ministry as presented in the Auditor-General’s Report 2012.

The Chief Coordinator of Orange 13, Fariz Musa, said that the report involved the issue of RM1.6 million being paid for a K-Pop concert, the Million Youth Assembly amounting to RM87.61 million, and the account of the National Sports Council amounting to RM20 million for sponsorship from private companies.

Fariz said that the Youth and Sports Minister, Khairy Jamaluddin previously confirmed that the ministry had to pay RM1.6 million for the cost of bringing in K-Pop artists for the concert because many of the sponsors failed to provide aid.

Shaberry, as the minister responsible at the time, claimed that the concert was funded by sponsors through the account of the National Sports Council (NSC) and he also criticised the Auditor-General, Tan Sri Ambrin Buang, as being ‘clumsy’ in preparing the report.

“What raises questions is the conflict of facts between Khairy and Shabery on the issue. Up till now, we are still waiting to know whose answer is right and who is lying,” he said in a press conference at Putrajaya today.

Fariz said he also questioned the excessive expenditure involving RM67.61 million for the National Youth Day 2012 which needs to be investigated by the MACC.

“The MACC and the National Audit Department should work together and use provisions of the law to prosecute those involved and bring them to justice. Orange 13 also urged the Prime Minister to immediately suspend Shabery from his duties immediately,” he said.

MACC Should Immediately Act to Overcome Money Politics in Umno


SHAH ALAM, 18 Oct: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) should be more proactive and brave without being trapped captive under Umno in investigating allegations of money politics involving three Vice-President incumbents of the party.

Member of Parliament for Bukit Katil, Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin said that he welcomed the call by Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) urging the MACC to step in and take stern action against the alleged practice of money politics in Umno.

He said the MACC cannot consider the problem of money politics as an internal problem which only happens in Umno because the effect would be detrimental to the country’s future if it is not addressed in a timely manner.

Previously, the President of TI-M, Datuk Akhbar Satar, said they received numerous feedbacks that a lot of money is being used and distributed in ‘special’ programmes organised for the three Vice-President incumbents, who are holding senior ministerial posts.

The three individuals are; the Home Affairs Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the Minister of Rural and Regional Development, Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal, and the Defense Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein.

They will be challenged by the Chairman of Felda, Tan Sri Mohd Isa Samad, former Chief Minister of Malacca Senator Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam, and the Chief Minister of Kedah, Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir.

Shamsul said the problem of money politics could lead the nation towards disputing their leadership credibility in spurring development and progress in the long term.

He said, wastage and improvidence of the country’s funds amounting to RM30 billion reported in the Audit Report 2012 is a result of the practice of money politics in Umno and the problem should be stopped immediately.

TI-M Urges MACC to Investigate Money Politics in UMNO Supreme Council Election


SHAH ALAM, 18 Oct: Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) urged the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to take decisive action against allegations of the practice of money politics involving three incumbent Umno Vice-Presidents.

The President of TI-M Datuk Akhbar Satar said that they made the request after receiving feedback of the occurrence of money politics as the Umno Supreme Council election, which takes place tomorrow, draws near.

He said that a large amount of money has been used and distributed in a ‘special’ programme for the Minister of Home Affairs, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Hamidi, the Minister of Rural and Regional Development, Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal and the Defense Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin, involving 146,000 votes to maintain their positions.

“MACC should ask whether the source of the money being distributed is commensurate with the financial standing of the individual candidates. If it is money donated to the party or division, whether it is being paid in return for a business favour,” he said.

“TI-M is also questioning the MACC’s role in addressing the issue of money politics happening in Umno because the matter is the party’s internal problem which needs to be addressed immediately,” he said in a press statement today.

Akhbar said, money politics can no longer be swept under the carpet, as it has many implications such as scandals involving huge sums of money and abuses of government machinery for the individual’s political survival.

“If the MACC fails to carry out its job, it will fail the next generation of Malaysians who would have to bear the burden of paying off the hefty loans, possibly over the next 100 years.

“We owe it to them, to leave behind a good legacy and a rich inheritance, not a huge national debt,” he said.

KSSB Intensifies Sand Mining Monitoring


DENGKIL, 17 Oct: Kumpulan Semesta Sdn Bhd (KSSB) will intensify monitoring of sand mining areas to ensure the quality of river water is preserved.


The Chief Executive Officer of KSSB, Datuk Dr Azimuddin Bahari said that they have set up a Monitoring Committee tasked to monitor all sand mining activities by providing reports every two weeks.

“We will conduct tight monitoring to ensure that appointed contractors do not break the rules set,” he told TVSelangor at the Ibadah Korban (Sacrificial) Ceremony organised by KSSB here at the As-Shariff Mosque.

Azimuddin said KSSB’s role is to assist the State Government in maintaining the river water irrigation system from flooding.

“KSSB assists in terms of flood mooring and sand dredging to smoothen the river water flow,” he said,

Azimuddin said the three appointed contractors have been terminated for violating regulations.

The Korban ceremony was attended by over 300 staff of KSSB and local residents, with six cows being sacrificed.

KPRU: Status of Opposition Leader Should be Equivalent to a Cabinet Minister


SHAH ALAM, 17 Oct: The Political Studies for Change (KPRU) think tank urges Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to emulate the step taken by the Selangor state government in recognising and honouring the position of the Opposition Leader.

According KPRU, the recognition of the Opposition Leader is essential to bridge the gap between the remuneration and various forms of allowances received by the Opposition Leader, Cabinet Ministers and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

“The Office of the Opposition Leader should receive allocation for the purpose of employing staffs such as researchers, press officers, executive assistants and so forth to manage with different tasks and affairs in Parliament.

“Such provision is important to enabling the Office of the Opposition Leader to obtain sufficient manpower, as well as allocations in performing and carrying out his duties and responsibilities as the Opposition Leader, as well as an elected representative of the people effectively and smoothly,” KPRU said in a statement.

Prior to this, the Selangor Government strengthened parliamentary democracy in Malaysia by giving special allowances and privileges amounting to RM8,620 per month to the Opposition Leader of the Selangor State Legislative Assembly.

“This was indeed a breakthrough in upholding the principles of democracy, as well as to advocate the rights and roles of the Opposition Leader as a crucial component in a democratic government in carrying out his/her role of check and balance to the existing government,” KPRU said.

KPRU said that in the two terms of leading the state government, the Selangor and Penang Government managed to take the initiative to mobilise the democratisation of State Assemblies and set an example to other state governments.

Ironically, the Central Government, despite ruling for over half a century, has still failed to make important strides.

“Where does BN Government’s ‘face’ (reputation) lie if they are still behind in upholding principles of democracy while they are eagerly shouting of “transformation” and “endless possibilities”,” KPRU said.