
MPK kompaun premis makanan gagal patuhi kebersihan


SHAH ALAM, 23 JULAI: Majlis Perbandaran Klang (MPK) mengeluarkan tujuh kompuan terhadap premis makanan yang gagal mematuhi tahap kebersihan ditetapkan MPK dalam operasi bersepadu 21 Julai lalu.

Setiausaha MPK, Adi Faizal Ahmad Tarmizi, berkata operasi itu dijalankan berdasarkan aduan orang ramai yang kurang berpuas hati dengan keadaan gerai yang kotor.

“Kita menetapkan setiap premis harus ada satu tong sampah bersaiz 2.4 liter bagi membolehkan pemilik mengurus sampah dengan baik dan teratur, namun gagal dilaksanakan peniaga.

“Selain itu, pekerjanya juga didapati gagal mematuhi syarat dan peraturan berniaga mendapatkan suntikan anti demam kepialu,” katanya dalam kenyataan.

Katanya, selain kompaun pemilik premis juga boleh dikenakan denda maksimum RM1,000 mengikut Undang-Undang Kecil Establishment Makanan MPK 2007 atas kesalahan tersebut.

“Operasi seumpama ini diteruskan dari semasa ke semasa bagi memastikan pemilik premis patuh kepada peraturan majlis,” katanya.

Tambahnya lagi, bermula September, MPK menguatkuasakan penutupan premis makanan yang kebersihannya berada di bawah tahap 50 peratus dan penutupan dibuat selama tempoh 14 hari,” katanya.

Operasi diketuai Ketua Bahagian Keselamatan dan Kualiti Makanan yang juga Penolong Pegawai Kesihatan MPK, Mazlan Abd Gany.


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Food premises fined for failing to comply with hygiene standards


SHAH ALAM, JUL 23: The Klang Municipal Council (MPK) has issued seven fines to food premises that failed to comply with hygiene standards set by MPK in a joint operation on July 21.

MPK Secretary Adi Faizal Ahmad Tarmizi said the operation was carried out following complaints from the public who were dissatisfied with the level of hygiene at the stalls.

“We have set that each premise must have a 2.4 litre bin for waste disposal. These traders have failed to comply.

“Besides, stall workers were also found to be without anti-typhoid shots as required by food business regulations,” he said in a statement.

Apart from being fined, premise owners can also be penalised with a maximum of RM1,000 in accordance with the MPK Food Establishment By-laws 2007 for this offence.

“This operation will be carried out from time to time to ensure premise owners comply with the council’s regulations,” he added.

He also said that starting September, MPK will enforce premise closures if cleanliness is below 50%. The enforced closure will be for 14 days.

The operation was led by MPK Health Assistant Officer Mazlan Abd Gany who is also the Food Safety and Quality Unit Head.

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