
Food supply sufficient throughout Ramadan

SHAH ALAM, MAY 22: The Selangor Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA) assured that essential food supply in the state is sufficient throughout Ramadan.


FAMA Director, Datuk Abdul Ghariff Ramin said FAMA has stocked several essential items such as fish, chicken, coconut and meat.

Based on past experiences, food supply usually run short during Ramadan and ahead of ‘hari raya’ due to increased demand.

“FAMA’s stock will be used to balance the market to prevent price increase and burdening consumers,” he said as quoted by BERNAMA.

Abdul Ghariff said, FAMA will monitor all its 60 farmers’ markets in Selangor so that traders do not increase prices randomly.

“I also advise consumers to complain to FAMA should any of the traders in our farmers’ market raise their price,” he said.