
CSSB rejects bribery and currying favours


KLANG, JUL 4: Central Spectrum Sdn Bhd (CSSB) do not accept gifts in the form of hampers or other luxury items.

Its Chief Executive Officer, Mahmud Abbas said, this is to ensure the integrity of its employees in conducting business or projects.

He said, CSSB employees are adequately paid and incentivized to carry out their responsibilities dutifully with full integrity without the need to be bribed.


“They receive attractive bonusses from CSSB, sufficient income and are well fed so if there are any of our employees who give their credit cards to contractors to pay, please inform me directly for tough action.

“There is no need for gifts or hampers to be sent here, we don’t need all that because what we do is based on trust and not to gain income the dirty way,” he said.

He said this during a speech at the signing of the Phase 3C Infrastructure Work Award to KPS-HCM Sdn Bhd, today.

Mahmud said, he is reminding about the matter as he himself has various types of gifts and hampers from contractors previously.

“I returned everything except there was one time I received chocolates, at first I thought it should be okay but when I opened it, there was an i-Pad beneath.

“I repacked everything and asked my staff to return it as it is againsts CSSB’s culture. It is totally unacceptable,” he said.