
Kisah viral pocong Jalan Kebun, elak terlibat amalan khurafat


SHAH ALAM, 24 JULAI: Penduduk sekitar Jalan Kebun diminta meneruskan aktiviti harian seperti biasa dan tidak terlibat dalam melakukan perbuatan khurafat.

Ahli Dewan Negeri (ADN) Seri Muda, Shuhaimi Shafiei, berkata masyarakat sekitar perlu menolak kepercayaan tahyul dan bertentangan ajaran Islam.

“Saya tidak menafikan wujudnya benda halus seperti termaktub dalam Al-Quran.

Pocong jalan kebun“Namun, sebagai orang Islam saya mengajak masyarakat untuk menolak kepercayaan tahyul dan meneruskan aktiviti harian seperti biasa,” katanya kepada SelangorKini.

Shuhaimi turut menasihatkan orang ramai bekerjasama dengan pihak Jabatan Agama Islam (JAIS) jika terdapat perkara mencurigakan.

JAIS sebelum ini, memberi amaran tegas untuk mengambil tindakan kepada pihak melakukan pemujaan di tanah perkuburan ekoran wujudnya pocong di beberapa kawasan di sekitar Jalan Kebun.

Terdahulu, menerusi rakaman video amatur berdurasi 20 saat itu, kelibat pocong sedang berdiri tegak seolah-olah memerhatikan sekumpulan remaja yang kebetulan dapat merakam imej berkenaan.

Hasil tinjauan mendapati, video tersebut mendapat 103,096 tontonan sebelum dipadamkan ‘admin’ grup Facebook berkenaan.

Kisah kewujudan pocong di Kampung Jalan Kebun seperti yang viral di laman sosial Facebook hanya rekaan semata-mata.

Ketua Kampung Jalan Kebun, Mohd Salehan Tahir berkata, dakwaan di Facebook itu tidak benar sama sekali.

“Ia sengaja direka cerita pihak tertentu untuk menakutkan kira-kira 20,000 penduduk melibatkan 15 kariah di sini,” katanya.


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Avoid superstition: Ghost in Jalan Kebun gone viral


SHAH ALAM, JUL 24: Residents of Jalan Kebun were advised to continue with their daily activities and avoid superstitious acts.

Seri Muda Assemblyman Shuhaimi Shafiei said the community in the area must reject superstitious beliefs that are against Islamic teachings.

“I don’t deny the fact that there are supernatural beings as mentioned in the Al-Quran.

Pocong jalan kebun

“However as Muslims, let us reject superstitions and continue with our daily activities,” he said to SelangorKini.

Shuhaimi also advised the public to cooperate with the Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) should any suspicious matters arise.

JAIS gave a firm warning that action will be taken against those found to be worshipping at graveyards due to claims of ghosts found in several areas around Jalan Kebun.

Previously, a 20-second amateur video showed a ghostly figure standing upright as if observing a group of youth who were capturing its image.

The video was found to have captured 103,096 views before it was removed by the administrator of the Facebook group.

The existence of ghosts in Kampung Jalan Kebun that has gone viral on Facebook is nothing but fictitious.

Village head Mohd Salehan Tahir said the allegations on Facebook were untrue.

“The story was fabricated deliberately to scare the 20,000 residents from 15 ‘kariah’ who live here,” he said.

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