Anwar: Umno-BN Government Should Upgrade Infrastructure Before Making it Compulsory to Pass the English Language


SHAH ALAM, SEPT 7: The Umno-BN Government has been urged to improve infrastructure for the learning of the English language by year 2016 before implementing the policy to make it compulsory for students to pass the subject in the Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM – Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia).

Parti Keadilan Rakyat De Facto Leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said that the absence of adequate learning facilities, especially in rural areas, only adds burden to students and teachers.

“Making it a compulsory to pass in inadequate conditions, including the quality of teachers, learning facilities and library facilities in rural schools, as well as Chinese and Tamil vernacular schools. The policy should be reviewed first,” said Anwar.

Prior to this, the Minister of Education, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced that it would be compulsory to pass the English language subject in the SPM by year 2016 in conjunction with the launch of the Malaysian Education Development Plan 2013-2025.

“This is the problem of Ministers and political leaders who do not have continuity with the realities happening at the bottom,” stressed Anwar.

He said this during a press conference after delivering his keynote address at the World Islamic Revival Seminar at the Silver Jubilee Hall at the Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Building.

Also with Anwar was the Chief Minister of Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

Anwar also reiterated calls from many groups who want the Federal Government to raise and preserve the Malay language by ensuring that all students master the official language well.

“Mastering the Malay language should continue to be improved in terms of quality. This should be clear in policies and it is a master plan which should be done,” he stressed.

Pakatan Rakyat Manifesto Implementation Dialogue – Selangor 2014 Budget – 13 September

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This live discussion between the people and leaders is to receive input directly from the taxpayers to implement the Pakatan Rakyat Manifesto which was presented in the 13th general Election (GE-13).

Feedback from this discussion will be taken up in the 2014 Selangor State Budget.

“The Selangor Government is confident and believes that public opinion is very important in ensuring that all policies and plans outlined in the manifesto reaches the target group,” stressed the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

On September 9, the dialogue will be held simultaneously at the Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ) Tower Gallery in Pandan Indah, the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) Banquet Hall and the Kuala Selangor District Council (MDKS) Siantan Hall starting from 8pm.

On September 10, the dialogue will be held simultaneously at the Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) Tower Lobby, the Sabak Bernam District COuncil (MDSB) Sri Bernam Hall and the Hulu Selangor District Council (MDHS) Dato’ Abdul Hamid Auditorium Hall in Batang Kali starting from 8pm.

On September 11, the dialogue will be held simultaneously at the Subang Jaya Municipal Coucil (MPSJ) Multipurpose Hall in Puchong Indah, and for the Kajang Municipal Council (MPKj), it will be held at the Sports Complex Hall in Section 15, Bandar Baru Bangi starting from 8pm.

For September 12, the dialogue will be held simultaneously at the Empress Hotel in Sepang bandar Baru for the Sepang Municipal Council (MPSp), for the Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) it will be held at the Bunga Tanjung Hall in Section 19, and at the Sri Jugra Hall in Banting for the Kuala Langat District Council (MDKL) starting from 8pm.

Whereas on September 13, the dialogue will be held at the Hamzah Hall for the Klang Municipal Council (MPK) starting from 8pm.

FOMCA: Hike Oil Price, Revoke Road Tax

SHAH ALAM SEPT 6th: The Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (FOMCA) has urged the government to consider annulling road tax and reducing insurance rates in the wake of the oil price hike.

Echoing the sentiments of the Petrol Station Operators’ Association of Malaysia (PDAM), Communications Director of FOMCA, Mohd Yusuf Abdul Rahman said, this suggestion should be a given serious consideration as an alternative solution, due to the people’s collective dismay over the price increase.

“Everyone is aware of the impact this increase will bring on the price chains of goods. This should be an initiative to unburden the people by reducing the taxes, including road tax,” he told TV Selangor.

Previously, PDAM had proposed to the government to repeal road tax and reduce insurance rates on vehicles with capacity less than 2,000 cc.

Yusof said, these proposals should be considered carefully as the oil price increase will certainly lead to higher costs of living for the ordinary people.

He is also confident that these suggested measures are capable of abating the public outrage following the fuel price hike.

“Even though the road tax annulment will only be a temporary solution for the people as they pay road tax only per annum, it should help calming them down. And then announce other initiatives soon,” he said.

Falling Ringgit Value, Soaring Oil Prices, Poorer People


SHAH ALAM SEPT 6th: The recent depreciation of Malaysia’s ringgit value is making people poorer following declining purchasing power due to higher prices of imported goods, particularly food.

Institut Rakyat’s economist, Azrul Azwar Ahmad Tajuddin said such economic situation occurs when the value of the national currency decreases against the strength of foreign currencies, and thus affects people’s purchasing power.

“People are having difficulties in buying goods for the same price unlike the time prior to the collapse of the national currency. As a result, the ability of people buying goods is declining,” said the former Chief Economist of Islamic Bank to TV Selangor today.

The ringgit has fallen for more than seven percent this year, the lowest compared to 3.3 per dollar three years ago, and it is currently the worst record.

The impact of the price increase on ordinary people has become more severe when UMNO-BN government raised the prices of RON 95 and RON 97 recently.

Azrul said the currency devaluation has also resulted in imported goods such as necessities to increase in prices.

He urges the government to evaluate and find the cause for the currency collapse, and be proactive in addressing the problem.

“The government should make a concentrated effort in plumbing this financial leakage so as to avoid an increase of the national debts and spending deficits,” Azrul concluded.

Anwar Slams Shabery’s Cheek Towards Laureate


SHAH ALAM, Sept 5th: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim criticised the arrogance of the Communications and Multimedia Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek, for urging the withdrawal of National Laureate A. Samad Said’s title.

The PKR de facto leader, who was chairing the National Laureate selection committee, said the minister should understand the intricate selection procedures involved in a nomination prior to the reception of the award.

“The minister is quite arrogant and it is daft to assume that the award can just be withdrawn. He (Shabery) has never examined the process involved in the selection of National Literary Laureate award, but I have chaired the committee. The minister should understand that it (the process) is an effort of nominating the recipient based on the quality of their work, either poetry or prose. The nominee’s attitude and political stance are absolutely irrelevant,” he said.

He was speaking at a press conference after the launch of the book entitled ‘Behind the Brotherhood: The Reality of the World Strongest Political Movement‘, co-authored by Youseff Nada, the Muslim Brotherhood’s financial strategist, and Douglas Thompson.

A. Samad Said, popularly known as Pak Samad, is famous for his novels ‘Salina’, ‘Sungai Mengalir Lesu’, and more. He was awarded with the title in 1985.

Anwar is also demanding for the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) to apologise to Pak Samad with regards to the police treatment during an inquiry about the controversy on Merdeka Eve on Friday.

“I am deeply upset by the police action. It’s not a question of doubting the law but a question of humanity. The police could have gone to his house during the day, at a time when he is available. I am asking the MOHA to apologise, and I appeal to the police to not continue working like that anymore. We respect the law, we understand the rights and responsibilities of the police but we also should acknowledge that there methods we should follow,” he said emphatically.


Revoking Laureate Title An Oily Distraction Tactic


SHAH ALAM, Sept 5th – Revoking A Samad Said’s National Laureate title is just a tactic by the BN government to divert people’s attentions from the oil price hike issues.

PAS Information Chief Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said the government cannot deny Pak Samad’s great contributions in upholding Malay literature.

“They are trying to distract the people from the issues of increased oil prices by victimising Pak Samad. What? Since when does flying a different flag is considered to be a dishonour to our national flag? There have been so many assemblies that involved flying flags of different nations. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s an insult to our own flag,” he said in a press statement today.

Minister of Information and Communications, Dato’ Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek has publicly declared that the government does not rule out the possibility that the National Laureate title will be withdrawn from Pak Samad.

Abdul Samad Muhammad Said, popularly known as A. Samad Said, was awarded with the title Malaysian National Laureate in 1986. He was also nominated by the Melaka state legislature which confers the title ‘Datuk’ in 1997.

Ibrahim said the government should not turn Malaysia into a police state like performing arbitrary arrests during a dialogue. Instead, a discussion should be encouraged to clear the air.

“BN-Umno leaders should hold a dialogue with Pak Samad instead of mocking him in the media. In the minds of the people, Pak Samad is not just a National Laureate. He is also a well-known hero for abiding his principles and speaking out against the government’s misconducts,” he said.

Recently, Pak Samad was arrested by police and taken to Dang Wangi Police Headquarters at midnight before being released at about 2:30 am.


Oil Price Hike Propels People To Neglect Health


SHAH ALAM, Sept 5th: The UMNO-BN Government’s latest action of increasing fuel prices has caused the health status among the people to decrease – particularly women, children, and the elderly.

Chief of PKR Wanita, Zuraida Kamaruddin said the cost of living has increased sharply due to the rising prices of goods and services, forcing many people to cut back on their expenses.

“The impact of the increase will affect the lives of homemakers who handle domestic affairs related to household groceries expenses. Adding to the fact that the current salaries remain the same, people are not able to support their families properly,” she told TV Selangor.

Zuraidah said the health status of children will be affected by the hike because they will not be consuming quality food that would impede their development in the long-term.

“Low-income people are mostly affected because they are not able to meet the high living expenses,” she said.

RON95 is now priced at RM2.10, while RON97 costs RM2.85, and diesel is priced at RM2.00.


CM: Inexcusable – Only Stern Actions For River Spillers


SHAH ALAM, Sept 4th: Any individuals or companies that pollute the environment will not only have to pay for the costs of damage caused by their actions, but must also bear the costs of recovery from the pollution as well.

Such is the proposal by the State Government to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment so as to enforce the principles ordained in the Environmental Quality Act 1974.

Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim firmly expressed his opinion that the move was necessary to prevent cases like the recent oil-dumping in Sungai Selangor, which had caused severe distress on more than 899,931 of Klang Valley residents last week, from recurring ever again.

“The enforcement of environmental laws in this country should be increased, seeing as cases of contamination keep happening because of frequent negligence,” said Tan Sri Khalid at a press conference in the state capital.

The irresponsible actions by the factory operators that caused contamination and a severe damage to the environment and the livelihoods of the state have been grabbing headlines since last week.

Previously, the State Government had said that the Federal Government should make a joint effort with Selangor to combat ‘rogue’ environment activities.

In the meantime, Abdul Khalid said the State Government along with agencies and local authorities will continue to work together to prevent another river pollution from happening again.

“The State Government has directed all local authorities to freeze all applications for carrying out any forms of activities in the river reserve with immediate effect,” said Khalid Ibrahim.

All local authorities have been instructed to monitor all activities in the area, particularly in the river reserve for any unlicensed activities.

RON97 Increases 15 sen Effective Midnight


The retail price of RON97 petrol will rise by 15 sen per litre to RM2.85 a litre from the previous RM2.70 per litre effective midnight nationwide, Malaysiakini reported.

This was confirmed by Perak Petroleum Operators Association’s President, Lee Chee Seng, when contacted by Malaysiakini earlier.

The increase was lower than the 20 sen for the price of RON95 petrol and diesel announced by the government yesterday.

The market price of RON97 is usually determined through a “managed float regime” that involves changes based on market factors and does not involve government subsidies.

The government sets a subsidy at 63 sen per litre for RON95 and 80 sen per litre for diesel.

This is the first price increase for RON97 petrol since the 20 sen retail price hike last March.

The retail price went down by 20 sen after the election on May 5th.

RON97’s price peaked at RM3 per litre in September 2012.

Why Does RON97 Cost Less Than RON95?


SHAH ALAM Sept 4th: The government should explain to the people why the price of RON97 petrol is much cheaper compared to RON 95, said the Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (FOMCA).

According to FOMCA’s Communications Director, Mohd Yusof Abdul Rahman, people are confused by the situation because the price of RON95 should be much cheaper if the government is serious about helping the low-income groups in the fuel subsidy.

“It shows that the government is not transparent in their subsidy restructuring,” said Mohd Yusof, when contacted by TV Selangor.

Previously, the price of RON95, after a RM0.20 sen bump to RM2.10 per litre plus a subsidy of RM0.63 per litre, was RM2.73 per litre. RON97, priced at RM2.70 per litre, was of higher quality but cheaper by RM0.03 per litre in comparison which would have saved the government more money at RM0.03 per litre of subsidised oil.

Mohd Yusof believes BN government’s action of increasing the price of RM0.20 sen will dramatically trigger a chain reaction of increased prices of goods and services that are high enough to affect the cost of living.

He said the government could have done things in stages at a particular time so as to ensure that the impact would not have been too great to affect people’s lives.

He also added that the government’s proposal to reintroduce the use of RON92 is regressive as RON92 is known to have a negative impact on the environment.

“The government should maintain RON95 by taking steps that will not not burden the people as the fuel is largely used for transportation by the lower income group,” said beliau.


Anwar: Midnight Arrest of A. Samad Said Is Vile

SHAH ALAM Sept 4th: PKR de factor leader, Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim demands for an apology from the Ministry of Home Affairs for the arrest of National Literary Laureate, Dato’ A. Samad Said, in the middle of the night.

According to Anwar’s tweets, it was considered to be police brutality because A. Samad Said is an 80-year old man and should not have been treated with aggression.

“Couldn’t the interrogations have waited till midday?” Anwar asked.

Prior to this, A. Samad said he was willing to cooperate with investigations if there was an official letter presented.

He was arrested at his home and brought to the Dang Wangi Police Headquarters at 1 a.m. by three police officers.

The detention is believed to be related to the flying of the Sang Saka Malaya flag on the night A. Samad Said was reciting his poetry on Merdeka Eve.

He was released around 2:30 a.m. after two hours of questionings. – mza

RON95: Broken Promises, Burdened Nation


Shah Alam, 4th September – Dato’ Seri Najib Razak’s administration once again has failed to fulfil the promises made prior to the 13th General Election (GE-13) when they announced the increase in oil prices.

MP for Bayan Baru, Sim Tze Tzin said the increase in fuel prices will have long term effects on people who will also be facing rising prices of essential goods that are bound to follow, bringing negative impact on the socio-economic development of the people.

“It will cause long-term burden on the people. Change effect will follow, causing a jump in water transportation costs that even coffee prices will go up. People’s socio-economic alter,” he said.

Speaking to TV Selangor, Sim said, the policy to raise fuel prices shows Najib’s desperation in protecting the interests of his cronies while allowing the nation to bear the burden.

“Najib favours his cronies, such as the Independent Power Producers (IPPs). People are in misery but corporates will profit. In contrasts with the Coalition, we have the best policy to reduce oil prices. Given the opportunity to administer the last general election, we would have taken an alternative step,” he said.