TALAM Spokespersons: Economics and Law Experts

SUBANG JAYA, 25 Nov: The four relevant official spokespersons regarding the Talam Corporation Berhad (Talam) debt settlement by the State Government were selected because they have expertise in the fields of economics and law.

They are also among the individuals who have delved into the Talam issue in detail since 2010 when the State Government had begun implementing the debt collection process.

Selangor State Investment, Industry and Trade Exco member, Teresa Kok said that the international independent audit firm, KPMG was also appointed to examine the debt collection process to ensure that it is done professionally and efficiently.

Teresa said this to refute allegations of Umno-BN assemblymen questioning the appointment recently at the Selangor State Assembly conference.

“This transaction is conducted professionally and carried out using professional advisers, but they (Umno-BN) insult their expertise.”

“When the State Government asked them to officially make a statement, they did not want to come and now they are talking nonsense behind our backs.”

“They even insulted the professional auditors KPMG’s report,” she said when met at the kampung carnival program, which is a tradition at Kampung Tengah A, Puchong, yesterday.

Early September 2012, the State Government had appointed four individuals as official spokespersons to explain the Talam issue to the public.

They are the Kuala Selangor MP, Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, Selayang MP, William Leong, North Petaling Jaya, MP, Tony Pua and Political Secretary to the Chief Minister of Selangor, Faekah Husin

Tony Pua, before getting involved in politics, was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Cyber Village Sdn Bhd, a company listed on the second board of the Singapore stock exchange.

He holds a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economy from Keble College, Oxford University.

Earlier this year, Tony had written a book entitled “The Tiger That Lost Its Roar”, a tale on Malaysia’s political economy.” which is about the backwardness of Malaysian economy.

Dr Dzulkefly is a PAS leader who often writes and debates about economic issues in the House of Representatives.

Meanwhile, Faekah was a lawyer before he was appointed as Political Secretary.

PKNS Should Expand to a Global Level

SUBANG JAYA, 24 Nov: The Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) has been recommended to expand its business to an international level and boldly go into new fields of business.

Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid said that PKNS should shift its way of thinking and not concentrate solely on land and housing development in Selangor only.

This is to ensure that the body, which has been established since 1964, is able to compete in the business world at a global level.

Abdul Khalid said that PKNS needs to learn business success from Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) and Guthrie Holdings, both of which have managed to expand globally in several strategic businesses.

Abdul Khalid also said that PKNS should model after the Johor State Development Corporation (PBNJ) that has managed to expand its businesses in the Asean region.

“Now, PBNJ is not only successful in land development but it is also successful in providing health services, the plantation sector and several other businesses,” he said.

Abdul Khalid said this while officiating the PKNS Family Day at the PKNS Sports Complex in Kelana Jaya.

Meanwhile, PKNS General Manager, Othman Omar said that support from family members motivates PKNS staff to achieve the mission and vision of the company.

“In fact, it is with their strength and support that PKNS has been standing strong for 48 years,” he said.

The programme was organised to strengthen teamwork and strengthen Ukhuwah (brotherhood in Islam) relationships among the staff of PKNS and their families.

Also present was the Selangor Exco, Teresa Kok as well as PKNS Council members and about 2,000 PKNS staff and their families.

‘SaT1M’ Term Suitable to Eradicate Umno-BN Land Ownership Scandal

SHAH ALAM, 24 Nov: The suggestion by Seri Muda Assemblyman, Shuhaimi Shafiei to use the term ‘1Malaysia Land Grab’ or ‘Sapu Tanah 1 Malaysia’ (SaT1M) to refer to the Umno-BN land ownership scandal in Selangor was concurred by Sekinchan Assemblyman, Ng Suee Lim.

The terminology is deemed relevant, said Shuhaimi, because it is closely related to the Selangor State Assembly (DNS) Opposition Leader, Datuk Mohd Satim Diman regarding the issue of land acquisition at a cheap price.

“I suggest that the words ‘land grab’ be replaced with a more suitable term because of the way Umno-BN acquired land. As a tribute to Sri Serdang (Satim), we will change it to Sat1M to reflect the expertise of Sri Serdang who sold land in November 2011,” he said.

Previously Shuhaimi had exposed three cases of power abuse by Satim. One of which is the granting of Government-land to Umno Kota Raja in 2007 and the Puchong Umno Leader, Datuk Satim Diman’s attempt to sell Malay land reserves to non-Bumiputera companies.

Satim is also accused of using his influence in the previous Umno-BN administration to sell land owned by a State Government subsidiary company to a private company in which he held importance in.

In the meantime, Suee Lim revealed that the 23 land lots in seven districts throughout Selangor from 1999 to 2008 which was acquired during the Umno-BN administration era, is estimated to be worth not less than RM300 million.

He also questioned how the land area of 33.5 acres was only charged a premium as low as RM1 for one square foot.

“Many people questioned how could the management of the 24 commercial land lots be approved to (members of) Umno, MCA, MIC and Gerakan? Once inspected, the price of all the land is not less than RM300 million.”

“How could the premium be reduced to this price? Who sat in the land committee at that time? This is the behaviour of Umno-BN who supposedly wants to defend the rights of the people. Always embarrassing then, now and forever,” he said.

Meanwhile, when answering questions from Suee Lim regarding land ownership, Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said that the State Government uses and open system (digital system) without having to refer to the district office.

He said that the State Government intends to review all land ownership to ensure it is done in an orderly manner without the existence of power-abuse by any party.

“If the purchase of the land is not used as recommended, the State Government is entitled to take back the land. We need to examine the grant documents and if there was an abuse of power, then we can take legal action,” he said.

State Government Forms Slope Observation Committee

SHAH ALAM, 23 Nov: The State Government has set up a group of slope inspectors to examine and assess the slopes of a few areas that need to be repaired to avoid landslides.

This was stated by the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim during the debate session to answer concerns raised by Hulu Klang Assemblyman, Shaari Shungib.

According to Abdul Khalid, the State Government will be responsible for repairing each problematic slope on state-owned land and the same should be done for the private sector should anything happen in their territory.

“For the slopes, I have set up a group that would evaluate the slopes and report. Should the land be government-owned, improvements will be made by the government.”

“If it is on private land, we will ask them to make improvements. Should the private (owners) fail to do so, the government will do it (repair) and we will ask the private parties to pay (for repairs), “he said.

Previously, Shaari had suggested that some slopes, particularly in the Hulu Klang constituency and the surrounding areas be monitored or gazetted as unsafe to prevent any sort of development.

Abdul Khalid firmly added that the State cannot give the excuse that it lacks funding for the slopes maintenance because it is the state’s responsibility.

In addition, the State Government has also set up a new body to be responsible for monitoring and managing government land.

He added that a list of all the land maintained will be recorded.

“Our policy is that if it was not for long-term residence, we will sell the land at the current price to ensure that there is not unfair selection for them.”

“The money will be used for the welfare of the people,” he said.

Politicise Talam Report: Assemblyman Accused of Insulting Civil Servants

SHAH ALAM, 23 Nov: The Selangor State Assembly (DNS) became chaotic when Sulaiman Razak (BN-Permatang) was accused of insulting civil servants by politicising the Talam report.

Disputes between the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim and Sulaiman occurred when the Umno assemblyman began disputing the ability of the Valuation and Property Services Department (JPPH) in the evaluating the land at Bukit Beruntung.

“Permatang, do not insult public servants, I have ordered them to re-evaluate the issue. The assessed land is based on agriculture.”

“If you were in my place, between commercial and agriculture, I’m sure you too would choose commercial. There is a difference between evaluating according to assumptions. That is why there is a difference,” said Abdul Khalid.

In the debate, Abdul Khalid said that Sulaiman is deliberately trying to provoke the emotions of the people regarding the issue of restructuring the Talam debt.

“I have no intention to degrade the quality, but you are deliberately trying to aggravate emotions.”

“It’s not like before. Previously, the Chief Minister can just pass it. Civil servants would faint. The District Officers are more important than the Chief Minister.”

“Do not turn this into a political issue. I have collected RM392 million to help the people unlike the last administration that did not collect it (debt).”

“So much theatrics, however, the debt has yet to be collected. If Umno-BN really wants settle it like the Talam issue, I challenge them (to do the same) for the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC),” Abdul Khalid said sarcastically.

CM: Take Care of Muslim Welfare to Avoid Apostasy

SHAH ALAM, 23 Nov: Muslim welfare should be well taken care of in efforts to curb widespread apostasy.

The efforts should be carried out consistently and continuously because according to the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, who is also the Islamic Affairs Exco, poverty is the primary cause of Muslims being misguided.

“Therefore, welfare should be the main focus because most of those who go astray are desperate due to poverty.”

Muslims should be well taken care of by Islamic institutions. Only then will Muslims remain strong and steadfast with Islam,” he explained in relation to Gombak Setia Assemblyman, Datuk Hassan Ali’s question.

Therefore, he urged institutions such as the Department of Zakat, the Department of Social Welfare (JKM) and other institutions related to the welfare of Muslims.

“We also need to have an efficient and smart monitoring regarding this matter and examine the issues that have to be taken into account.”

“It’s not an effort that should be successful in a day. Instead it is a continuous effort that requires support,” the Ijok Assemblyman added.

In the meantime, he also explained the role of the Selangor Islamic Religious Department’s (JAIS) efforts in combating the issue of apostasy.

“Jais has a special team to monitor activities and take appropriate action against efforts by certain quarters to convert Muslims,” he said.

CM: Open Tender Saves State Spending

SHAH ALAM, 23 Nov: The Selangor State Government’s practice of having open tenders has successfully saved spending funds by RM102,206, 460.

Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, who is also Ijok Assemblyman said that the amount is almost 19 percent through approved open tenders of 63 projects.

“The amount of savings is able to cover all of the Selangor State Government’s procurement and development works.”

“The open tender principle gives good, value for money, returns to the rakyat,” he explained while answering Kampung Tunku Assemblyman, Lau Weng San.

However, he explained, the state treasury has also allowed direct negotiation to meet the needs of specific projects.

“For example, direct negotiations are held for urgent cases which otherwise would be damaging, such as flooding,” he said.

During his winding up speech, Abdul Khalid denied the matter of regarding the failure of projects due to tender prices being too low in response to additional questions.

“There is no difference in the percentage of failed projects for open tenders and direct negotiations.”

“Therefore failure cannot be attributed to open tenders,” he stressed.

Free Wifi Ready by Early January 2013

SHAH ALAM, 22 Nov: The state-wide installation of broadband internet (wifi) in Selangor is being rapidly implemented and is expected to be completed by early January 2013.

Welfare, Women’s Affairs, Science, Technology and Innovation Exco member, Rodziah Ismail said that the State Government has identified the proposed locations, among them are areas which do not have wifi service.

In addition, public hotspots and areas with a high population density as well as middle-income or modest to low economic areas have been identified.

Rodziah added that the State Government through the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) will be the first Local Authority (PBT) to successfully launch the Selangor Public Project Integrated Network System (SPINS).

She said that 200 locations have been identified throughout MBPJ to implement the project.

“This project includes free wifi internet facility which can be utilized by users to integrate all efforts made by the State Government as well as to facilitate interaction with government systems,” she said when answering questions from Lembah Jaya Assemblyman, Khasim Abdul Aziz.

Obviously, free wifi service is offered to the people taking into account the concept of free water by the State Government where each user is given free wifi for a period of 30 minutes and after that, the user must log in again.

Answering additional question from Taman Medan Assemblyman, Haniza Mohamed Talha regarding complaints that the wifi service cannot be used, Rodziah said the State Government has referred to MBPJ regarding the matter.

“The wifi services experiencing technical problems are in Petaling Jaya but it is only a small technical problem,” he said.

For the record, since 2008 to 2012, wifi services have been installed in a total of 332 locations and 15 People’s Cyber Cafes have been established.

CM: Change PKNS Management Traditions

SHAH ALAM, 22 Nov: Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim informed that the State Government will now change the management traditions of the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) to be more competitive compared to the Umno-BN era.

He said that previously, the culture of withdrawing PKNS assets and giving them to a third party happened under the Umno-BN administration.

“For example, previously PKNS had acquired a few hundred acres of land in Kota Damansara however, only developed 10 percent of it. The rest were developed by different party,” he said.

He explained that previously, PKNS had more assets than Sunway and SP Setia but now, PKNS has been long left behind by the two developers.

This problem arose because PKNS accounts were not managed properly.

“Only when they receive money, should they write it down. There were times that PKNS did not pay the State Government. When they receive money, then only should they write it down. Only then will we they have records.”

“Because of that, I want to change the old ways, I want to change the Umno-BN ways. I have managed to develop Permodalan Nasional Berhad previously, even before PKNS. But now look, the investment is exponentially more than PKNS because the records are correct.”

“So do not say that I am not being concerned about bumiputera development,” he said when answering questions from Sulaiman Razak (BN-Permatang) regarding the total amount of PKNS assets that were assumingly ‘lost’ from PKNS during the Umno-BN administration previously.

Further answering additional questions regarding the sales of PKNS assets by Umno-BN, Abdul Khalid stressed that PKNS will not sell five of their commercial assets at the price of RM321 million as claimed.

Instead, all of the assets collected will be transferred to a new wholly-owned subsidiary corporation; Private Real Estate Company (PREC).

“This is a form of reshuffling. The assets will be put into the company. If it involves a corporation, it is not selling because it involves the same company, a joint account. No issue of selling.”

“We will combine the assets to develop the assets. It is common practice in the management of assets.”

“According to the old tradition, when it (assets) is already in the company, there are ‘ghosts’ who want to be share partners. This is no longer so because we are transparent. I purposely want to let everyone see this, let everyone be smart (about it).”

“So if Kuang and Permatang is interested, I can ask the Chief Director and the Deputy Director of PKNS to explain it to whoever wants it to be explained to,” he said.

Youth Unemployment Rate in Selangor Low

SHAH ALAM, 22 Nov: The unemployment rate in Selangor is low and still remains below 4 percent as a result of the increase in the service sector of the state.

Malay Customs, Youth and Sports Exco member, Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi said that the estimate given by the Selangor Economic Planning Unit (UPEN) states that the unemployment rate in Selangor is at 3.9 percent, the same as the year before.

He said that the service sector in Selangor is moving positively, contributing 55 percent of the state’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by providing more than 20,000 job opportunities each year.

“The low unemployment rate is driven by the expansion of the industrial, manufacturing and service sector, providing jobs including skilled, semi-skilled and less-skilled work as well as professional jobs,” he said.

Dr Ahmad Yunus said this when answering questions from Datuk Marsum Paing (BN-Dengkil) regarding job opportunities for youths in Selangor.

Since January till July 2012, a total of 142 investment projects have come in to Selangor and 13,197 job opportunities have been made available for the youth of the state.

According to the total sum of job opportunities since 2008 till 2011, as many as 102,288 job opportunities have been created in Selangor.

Meanwhile, the State Government is continuously intensifying programs to create job opportunities in Selangor by organising ‘Let’s Work’ (Jom Kerja) programmes every year.

Dr Ahmad Yunus said that to create a group of pro-active youths, the State Government has created a technical training scheme to train youths held at technical colleges in Selangor.

“For example, INPENS college in Selangor is providing technical courses to assist youths from middle (income) to lower (income) groups so that the youth in the state will be able to acquire suitable jobs,” the Sijangkang Assemblyman said.

Selangor Should Hurry Local Government Elections

SHAH ALAM, 22 Nov: Subang Jaya Assemblyman, Hannah Yeoh is urging the State Government to not delay Local Government Elections.

She said that a few years ago, the State Government had already spent money on researching the implementation of Local Government elections in Selangor.

However, the results of the research and the estimated cost to implement it are not known.

She said that Penang is already in the process of implementing local government elections in January next year.

“In relation to that, it is fair; considering that the state is rich and developed, that the State Government stops delaying the matter because the local residents have the power to choose their council members.”

“Local Government Elections will ensure that the best person is picked to serve in the Local Authorities.”

“Therefore, the State Government should stop delaying the implementation of local state elections,” she said in the Selangor State Assembly sitting.

Azmin: State Government Should Investigate PKPS Forest Reserves

SHAH ALAM, 21 Nov: The State Government has been asked to investigate the Bukit Tarik and Rantau Panjang forest reserve land lease agreement which has been claimed to be ‘biased’ and profiting parties with ties to Umno-BN leaders.

Bukit Antarabangsa Assemblyman, Azmin Ali said that he had previously brought up the issue in the State Assembly sitting in regards to the 2012 Budget.

“The response revealed that on the 22nd of February 2001, the State Government had signed a concession and lease agreement with the Selangor Agricultural Development Corporation (PKPS).”

“PKPS was given the concession to the Bukit Tarik and Rantau Panjang forest reserve land with the area of 5,000 hectares and a 60-year lease.”

“From there, PKPS had join-ventured with several companies, some of which involves Umno-BN leaders,” he said.

Azmin said that the join-venture was in favour of lessee companies that were engaging in plantation projects on the forest reserve.

“According to my inspection, PKPS will acquire returns of RM40 million from the leasing of land measuring 10,000 hectares where else the lessee company would profit more than 4 percent.”

“I came to understand that the total amount that PKPS received was only RM700,000 in 2009 from the proceeds of the Bukit Tarik and Rantau Panjang forest reserve,” he said.