Potholes on Pandamaran Roads Cause Accident & Death

SHAH ALAM, 22 Nov: Local Government, Research and Development Committee Exco member, Ronnie Liu claims that the failure to maintain and close potholes on several federal roads in the Pandamaran area has caused road accidents lately.

According to Ronnie, lately an accident happened at Jalan Kim Chuan, a road under the jurisdiction of the Public Works Department (JKR) and has claimed the life of a senior citizen.

Two weeks ago, there was another accident on Jalan Banting, in the Pandamaran area, due to the terrible condition of the road.

In the incident, a woman died while her child was seriously injured.

Ronnie said that as the State Assemblyman of Pandamaran, he has written a letter to JKR to repair the roads in the areas around Pandamaran.

“I have already informed JKR. JKR Director, Datur Ir Abdullah Abd Rahman said that he is unable to obtain allocations.”

“According to the law, state funds cannot be used (to repair roads) under Federal JKR.”

“In Banting, factories have to perform Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). However, (for CSR) they have to get the cooperation of JKR,” he said.

Ronnie will be providing assistance to both families of the accident victims to find lawyers to take legal action against JKR.

Meanwhile, Ronnie also slammed the Works minister, Datuk Seri Shaziman Abu Mansor, regarding the allocation needed to repair the roads in the country for the year 2012, which was very small.

According to Ronnie, for the year 2012, the federal government has allocated RM870 million to repair roads in the whole of Malaysia, including Sabah and Sarawak.

He explained that the responsibility of JKR does not just involve roads, but also encompasses traffic lights, drains and pavements.

“I’m shocked as RM870 (million) to repair roads under JKR is very small.”

“It’s no wonder many roads, especially in Selangor under (the jurisdiction of) JKR including Pandamaran are in a terrible state. There are potholes everywhere resulting in many accidents,” he said in a media conference in the Selangor State Legislative Assembly lobby.

Ronnie also urged Datuk Seri Shaziman to take this matter to the Cabinet to ensure that the allocation made to repair roads is increased immediately as well as to provide compensation to the two families mentioned.

“I want Shaziman to immediately take this before the Cabinet for two reasons; increase the allocated funds to repair roads under (the jurisdiction of) JKR.”

“Second, to compensate the two victim’s families. If he is willing, I would bring the families to meet him.”

“He should also give instructions to repair the roads with many terrible potholes. I believe many more victims (accidents) will happen,” he added.

Apart from that, he also asked the Ministry of Works to review the appointment of the three primary contractors repairing roads in the Peninsular and the five contractors in Sabah and Sarawak which have failed to repair the roads properly.

Ronnie stressed that should JKR fail to act, he will instruct every Local Authority (PBT) to put up signs saying ‘This is a JKR road’ so that the people will know of the federal government’s failure to repair roads under their jurisdiction.

PR Commitment Boost Department, State Agency Performance

SHAH ALAM, 21 Nov: A strong commitment by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to give the best service to the people of Selangor has caused the performance of the State Government departments and agencies to increase dramatically after 2008.

Finally, all efforts have borne fruit when the Auditor General’s report proved a significant increase.

This is according to Batu Caves Assemblyman, Amirudin Shari during the debate on the Supply Bill in the Selangor State Assembly (DNS) today.

Commenting further when met after the third day of the DNS sittings, he said that this could be improved further.

“For example, for the level of financial performance in 2007, none of the departments or agencies for were successful in being rated ‘very good’, but we got one in 2008 and 2009, and four ‘very good’ in 2010 and 2011. A total of eight departments got ‘very good’.”

“For the rating of ‘good’ there were just eight in 2007. Now it’s 10. Previously, there were two departments that had managed to get a ‘satisfactory’ rating. Now that no longer exists because there are only ‘best’ and ‘good’ (ratings),” he said.

In the 2011 Auditor General’s Report recently, states under PR administration were praised by the Auditor-General, Tan Sri Ariffin Remove for the various achievements brought about by the PR government.

These include reports of the Selangor Consolidated Fund which has increased from RM266.91 million (20.2 percent) to RM1, 586.88 million in 2010.

Appoint Independent Experts to Assess Slope Status

SHAH ALAM, 21 nov: Hulu Kelang Assemblyman, Shaari Sungib urged the State Government to set-up a team of independent experts to assess the status of the slope in Taman Sri Ukay and Hillview Park near Highland Towers.

He firmly said that if the slope is not safe, the State Government should gazette the area and ban any development in the area.

“In the past there have been studies saying that the Highland Towers incident was caused by underground water flow.”

“And now, the construction of the planned condo is only a few meters from the scene. This situation is obviously troubling,” he said during the 2013 Budget debate in the Selangor State Assembly (DNS) sitting just now.

Recently, Shaari and 50 residents from Taman Sri Ukay and Hillview Park held a peaceful demonstration to express their opposition regarding the two high-profile projects on the slope near their homes.

One of the projects involving three blocks of 40-storey buildings will be built at Lot 847, near Taman Hillview, while the other project on Lot 5 involves the construction of five blocks of 17-storey buildings near the ruins of the Highland Towers condominium.

It is understood that the two projects will be implemented by two different developers.

PBT Proposed to Use Social Media to Respond Rakyat’s Complaints

SHAH ALAM, 21 Nov: It was suggested today that the Local Authorities (PBT) benefit users of information technologies by using popular applications like Facebook (FB), Twitter and E-mail to be more responsive to the Selangor people’s complaints.

The suggestion was made by Rawang Assemblyman, Gan Pei Nei during the 2013 Budget debates headed by Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim on Monday.

“This way, with PBT opening FB, Twitter or Officer E-mail accounts, it will be more convenient for people to make complaints.”

“Before this, I myself have made complaints but perhaps because officers were busy, action was delayed.”

“Usually the excuse given is that there are no provisions or that it is in the process and no dateline is given as to when the problem would be solved,” she said.

Pei Nei also suggested that every PBT should exhibit the complaints procedure map so that the people would understand the procedures taken regarding the complaint raised.

She also stressed the importance of giving immediate approval to projects that would benefit the economy of the people and the state.

Azmin: The State Government Has Only Received 18 Percent from Federal Government Reserves

SHAH ALAM, 21 Nov: The State Government has only received RM364 million from the allocated RM67 billion which has apparently been channelled by the Federal Government for the development and advancement of Selangor.

The RM 364 million is only 18 percent of the total RM 67 billion which was announced by the Kota Belud Parliament member, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan in the previous House of Representatives sitting.

Today, Bukit Antarabangsa Assemblyman, Azmin Ali claimed that Abdul Rahman’s statement was a propaganda played by Umno-BN to mislead the people of Selangor because it involves a large amount of funds.

“After checking with the Selangor Office of State Treasury, it is evidently different from what was stated.”

“However, should Umno-BN’s claim regarding the allocation be correct, the State Government would have to ask for the list of Federal projects worth RM 67 billion to be inspected and audited.”

“The people of Selangor have the right to know how it (the funds) has been channeled, who had received the project, what was the cost and whether it was transparent as well as whether it was an open tender?”

“I request the State Government to appoint an honest auditor to carry out the auditing. However, I am certain it is a lie,” he said to the media outside the State Assembly (DNS) hall today.

Azmin recapped his statement regarding the announcement at the 2013 Budget debate in the Selangor State Assembly hall.

He said that the Umno-BN theatrics can also be seen in their promise to build the third bridge in Klang.

He added that the project was launched by the ex-Works Minister, Datuk Seri S Samy Vellu three days before the 12th General Elections (GE-12) and he had promised to begin works four months after the launching.

“However, we can see that till now, nothing has been done. Instead, they are (now) promising to build a fourth bridge in the same city,” he said.

No New Licence for Cyber Cafes and Massage Parlours Since 2008

SHAH ALAM, 21 Nov: Since taking over the administration of the state in March 2008, the Pakatan Rakyat Government of Selangor has yet to approve any licence applications for massage parlours, public entertainment centres and cyber cafes.

However, according to Local Authorities Exco, Ronnie Liu, premises with licences before 2008 can still renew their licences.

“Their licences can still be renewed every year as long as they do not violate licence regulations and the law,” Ronnie explained in reply to the Lembah Jaya Assemblyman, Khasim Abdul Aziz when he asked questions regarding the abovementioned licences at the State Assembly sitting this morning.

Ronnie also informed the council that new licences have been given only to healthcare centres such as centres for reflexology, aromatherapy, physiotherapy, spas and saunas as well as gymnasiums.

This is stated in the Beauty and Healthcare Centre bye-laws.

Meanwhile, for entertainment centres, new licences are allowed only for leisure centres and family entertainment centres.

Among others are family karaokes, karaoke kiosks, bowling centres, fun-fairs and family entertainment centres offering various entertainment such as kiddyrides and simulator machines.

“They will also have to comply with the rules and regulations which is to not serve or provide alcoholic drinks to customers,” Ronnie, the Pandamaran Assemblyman, said.

Since 2008 till now, licences for 179 healthcare centre, 1,278 family entertainment and leisure centres as well as 224 budget hotels, have been issued by the State Government.

Suee Lim: Umno-BN Swoops-up 23 Land Lots worth RM20 Million

SHAH ALAM, 20 Nov: The case of land ownership by Umno-BN component parties will be reported to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commision (SPRM) and Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) for misuse of power.

Sekinchan Assemblyman, Ng Suee Lim said that the land involved 23 areas in seven districts throughout Selangor from 1999 to 2008 which were acquired under the Umno-BN administration.

This included component parties and Umno-BN leaders including Umno, MCA, MIC and Gerakan where the aforementioned parties were only charged a premium of RM1 per square meter.

He said that all the areas involved a sum of RM20 million with the size of each lot being from one to seven acres where Umno received 14 areas, MCA (five), MIC (three) and Gerakan (one).

“The elements that exist in this case is misuse of power, how it was approved and why for Umno-BN. We will ask for these matters to be investigated.”

“We will also make a police report as soon as possible,” he said in a press conference at the Annex Hall lobby in conjunction with the Selangor State Assembly sitting today.

Swee Lim claimed that the cases involved Umno leaders from branches in Selayang, Ampang, Subang, Puchong, Tanjong Karang and Sungai Besar.

“All 23 areas of these lands are lands with the highest value, commercial lands.”

“All are used for businesses such as shop houses and commercial buildings. When they acquire this land they will make a joint venture with them (shop lot and building operators) to make a profit,” he further claimed.

“This are amongst the examples and the true face of Umno-BN who are happily attacking (PR Government) here and there when in actual fact, they are the parties that are Swooping-up the Rakyat’s Land.”

“The rakyat is put first. But in the context of Umno, MCA and others, they are prioritised.”

Umno-BN’s Excuse of Not Building Klang’s Third Bridge Cannot Be Accepted

SHAH ALAM, 20 Nov: Selangor Opposition Leader, Datuk Seri Satim Diaman’s answer regarding why the Umno-BN Federal Government did not continue the third Klang bridge project is a superficial reason which cannot be accepted.

At the Selangor State Assembly (DNS) sitting today, Satim said that the Federal Government did not not resume the project which was promised in 2008 because Umno-BN had lost Selangor in the general election that year.

Sri Muda Assemblyman, Shuhaimi Shafiei said that the project is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Works controlled by the Federal Government which is still ruled by Umno-BN.

“The excuse is just not acceptable. If they use the reasoning that Umno-BN had lost so they will not build the bridge, this shows that they are confused between the decision made by the government and (the decision made by) political parties.”

“This issue clearly shows that Umno-BN has a more political attitude when they say that they will only build should they win,” he said to TV Selangor at the DNS lobby today.

When Satim announced the 2013 Budget, he claimed that Pakatan Rakyat did fulfil promises in the 2008 Election (GE-12) manifesto.

Shuhaimi interrupted by bringing up the issue of Umno-BN not building the Klang Third Bridge.

Satim gave the excuse that the project was discontinued because Umno-BN had lost in GE-12 and had lost their power in Selangor.

Outside DNS, Shuhaimi said that the bridge was not completed, in fact, the building plans were not even included in any federal development plans.

“This clearly proves that what was said by (Works Minister) Samy Vellu at that time was a political promise just to attract voters to support them.”

“In my opinion, they ran away from their real responsibilities because what they did was to punish the people of Selangor,” he said.

State Reserve Funds are only for Special Projects NOT for Administration Expenditures

SHAH ALAM, 19 Nov: The State Government will only use state reserves to fund special projects and not to shoulder administration costs, said Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

Reserve funds also cannot be used to pay for management expenditures and other such expenses by the State Government because it reflects inefficient financial management.

The presentation of the budget’s deficit to cover administrative expenses also reflects the failure of efficient financial management and demonstrates the failure to control spending.

Abdul Khalid said this when explaining the State Government actions in using state reserve funds to finance four projects at a cost of RM500 million.

“The project we are doing is separate so that its (the reserve funds) usage is more transparent.”

“The people do not want the reserves to be used to cover administrative expenses.”

“If this happens, people will think that the government can spend extravagantly, so with the separation, we cannot spend extravagantly,” said Abdul Khalid in a press conference at the State Assembly Annex Building lobby.

Abdul Khalid presented the 2012 Budget today, the first day of the Third Meeting of the Fifth Session. The Budget is themed ‘Selangor, Leader of Malaysian Economy’.

When presenting the budget, Abdul Khalid announced the decision to build the third bridge in Klang costing RM300 million, the implementation of Storm Water (RM100 million), upgrading and repairs of drainage systems (RM50 million) and the building of fully-furnished affordable housing (RM50 million).

However, these projects are not included in the 2013 Budget, instead it will be using State reserves.

38 Youth Squares to be built in Selangor

SHAH ALAM, 19 Nov: The State Government has approved the construction of 38 Youth Squares across Selangor with 10 of them fully functional for recreational activities and sports.

Malay Customs, Youth and Sports Exco member, Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi said that the construction is designed for public use, especially for the youth and children by providing each State Legislative Assembly (DUN)a Youth Square.

“The condition is that the square has to be built on state-owned land with an area of 683 square meters minimum for a multipurpose court and 458 square meters for the Youth Square.

“Amenities include a fenced multipurpose court for futsal, netball and a sepak takraw as well as toilet facilities. The Youth Square also comes with a stage,” he said in his answer to the Bangi assemblyman, Dr Shafie Abu Bakar in the State Assembly (DNS) session here today.

He goes on to explain that other than the amount specified, five existing areas are being restored for the same purpose.

One Month Old Child amongst Those Going Through Khitān Rites in Sijangkang

KUALA LANGAT, 16 Nov: The Khitān ceremony of 21 children in Masjid Jamiul Ehsani at kampong Sijangkang here today will be carried out by the Sijangkang State Assemblyman, Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi.

The ceremony is made more special with the inclusion of Muhammad Habibur Rahman Shaiful Amri, a one month-old baby.

The baby’s father, Shaiful Amri Mohamed Shapik, 36, said that it is common for him and his wife, Nornajibah Md Saufi, 36, to circumcise their child at an early age.

“In my family, all my sons have been circumcised from the age of one month to two months because my first son had bloody-urination problems,” the Takaful Malaysia Bhd deputy director said.

“Early circumcision was advised by the doctor. From then on, my wife and I continued this for our second and third sons because children at a younger age heal easily.”

“Early circumcision also makes it easier for us to teach our children cleanliness and how to practice cleansing rituals at the mosque.”

“I also recommend that other parents circumcise their children at an early age. In fact, it is a norm overseas, especially in Arab nations,” he said when approached by TV Selangor and expressed joy that his son was included in the ceremony.

Zainal Ulum Ahmad Kasah, the mosque’s Nazir said that the mass Khitān ceremony is part of the mosques tradition since 2008.

According to him, this time the ceremony was made grander with refreshments served and the children being showered by Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department which was invited by mosque officials.

“This time the celebration is better with (the participation of) 20 children and is unique when it involves the youngest participant who is one month-old.”

“Besides being circumcised by Dr Ahmad Yunus himself, the celebration this time was also different when a feast was held and next week there will also be a thanksgiving ceremony when all the children heal,” he said.

Meanwhile, Dr Ahmad Yunus explained the circumcision process using the Smart Clamp method which reduces the bleeding and infection risks compared to conventional circumcision methods.

“This is one of the programs that will be carried out in alternately with other mosques in the Sijangkang DUN for children during the school break which also includes the Asnaf group.”

“This time, I will conduct the circumcision myself with assistance from two helpers,” he said.

KASE Receives More Than 100 AES Complaints

SHAH ALAM, 16 Nov: The counter that has been set up by the Anti-Postal Summons Campaign Department (KASE) have now received more than 100 complaints from road users who have fallen victim to the Automated Enforcement System (AES).

KASE legal advisor, Zulhazmi Sharif said that the counter which has been open since the 21st of November have received many complaints from road users who have received summons through the implementation of AES cameras from all over the country.

He said that he and the KASE Department will make the announcement regarding actions that will be taken to assist those who have received summons.

“As of now, the complaints counter is still open and we have yet to separate them (the complaints) according to states. We will make the announcement regarding the case next week.”

“This is because the earliest court date involving receivers of the summons is the 7th of December 2012 and we will be appointing lawyers to help them,” he said to TV Selangor today.

Meanwhile, the counter which is open every fortnightly at 12pm to 2pm is intended to facilitate those who have received AES summons with legal advice and legal aid, both of which are free of charge.

“In Selangor alone, there are umpteen road users who have received AES summons and it has been informed that only two areas in Selangor have (AES) cameras, which are in Kajang.”

“More shockingly, a road user had received three summonses on the South Klang Valley Expressway (SKVE) because it’s his daily route,” he said.

Previously, KASE Chairman, Datuk Mahfuz Omar had mentioned that a group of lawyers would be provided should receivers of the summons agree to go to court and legal services from the Department of Law and Human Rights (JUHAM) will be provided to those involved.