CM: Benefits of the Talam Debt Collection is for the People’s Welfare

SHAH ALAM, 30 Nov: Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid stressed that the Talam Corporation debt proceeds, valued at RM392 million will be channelled to benefit the welfare of the people.

During the winding up speech at the Selangor State Assembly (DNS), Abdul Khalid said that the land purchases of this GLC is capable of delivering high-value returns through residential and commercial development projects to be planned in the future.

“The results of the collection will save these lands from being confiscated and sold by the bank.

“In fact, we will use these assets to recover the Talam debts to GLCs through Menteri Besar Incorporated (MBI),” he said.

He explained that to make sure the debt is guaranteed to be collected, a comprehensive settlement agreement will be signed with Talam.

So far, the overall Gross Development Value (GDV) is worth RM4,146 million for lands purchased by Permodalan Negeri Selangor Berhad (PNSB) and the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS).

The lands are at Bukit Beruntung (PKNS) worth RM133 million, Bukit Beruntung (PNSB) worth RM2,378 million and Bestari Jaya (PNSB) worth RM1,635 million.

He further explained that the latest assessment on the land at Bukit Beruntung by the Selangor Land and Mines Office on the 26th of November found that the land is estimated to be worth RM475 million based on mixed land status.

This situation altogether reflects the State Government’s success in producing economic and social value through the Talam debt amortisation process.

CM Satisfied with State Assembly Proceedings, Confident In Solving Water Issues Through Discussion

SHAH ALAM, 30 Nov: The State Government is adamant that the Langat 2 Plant and the restructuring of the water services industry in Selangor should be discussed with the Federal Government to come to an understanding in resolving the issue.

Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said that the State Government and the Federal Government should discuss thoroughly in finalising the restructuring of the water services industry under a Holistic Model.

He added that the current water services which is not holistic will continue to be an inefficient management of water and it would burden the consumers in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya.

“Selangor Water Supply Company Limited (Syabas) will no longer be able to handle water distribution because of financial deficits and debts to water treatment operators worth more than RM400 million as well as failing to pay royalties worth RM3 million to the State Government ,” he said.

Abdul Khalid said this in a press conference after the closing speech of the Selangor State Assembly (DNS) today.

He also called on the people of Selangor to continue to support the restructuring of water services industry to ensure a more efficient water supply at a reasonable price.

In the meantime, he was satisfied with the way the DNS proceedings went which not only proves that the State Government has successfully presented a balanced budget, but it also managed to deliver the Talam White Paper and report the debt status regarding the restructuring of the water industry.

“I congratulate all members of the council who took part in the debate, I accept suggestions, criticism and arguments that can improve the State Government.

I would like to thank the Speaker, Datuk Teng Chang Khim for running the fifth term of the Assembly sittings smoothly and well,” he said.

Selection of Garbage and Solid Waste Contractors Not Influenced by Political Appointment

SHAH ALAM, 29 Nov: Local Government, Research and Development Committee Exco member, Ronnie Liu said that Local Authorities (PBT) are solely responsible for the selection of garbage collection contractors without being influenced by members of the Council.

Ronnie insists that all Council Members appointed by the Local Authorities can only act as observers to ensure that price quotation and tender meetings run smoothly and transparently.

“The State Government through the Local Authorities will make the selection of contractors based on the meeting, of which council members act as observers,” he said at the Selangor State Government (DNS) sitting, here, today.

He was responding to oral questions from Lembah Jaya Assemblyman, Khasim Abdul Aziz, who questioned the reason why Council members were not involved in the open tender policy adopted by the State Government regarding solid waste disposal.

Previously, Ronnie had said that the State Government had openly appointed Council Members to participate in the tender and price quotation committee for the selection of contractors, however this was stopped to comply with the State Financial Officer’s directives.

“The directive stipulates that the members appointed for the committee can only be made up of civil servants and government officials. Political appointments are not allowed in the awarding of tenders.

“Because of that, at the state level, Exco members who are appointed by the Chief Minister only serve as observers in the state committee for price quotations and tenders,” he said.

Majority of New Land-Owners are Malay

SHAH ALAM, 29 Nov: Since the State Government had taken office four years ago, nearly 7,000 land titles have been issued.

Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim informed the Selangor State Assembly (DNS) that more than half of these owners are from the Malay community in Selangor.

A total of about 3,833 recipients are Malays, Chinese 1,994 while 1,171 are Indians.

Abdul Khalid when answering questions from Sekinchan Assemblyman, Ng Suee Lim, also said the State Government is promoting collective land applications.

All applications that meet the conditions, are complete and are in order will be approved by the State Government.

“However, there also issues which make it a problem for us to approve the people’s applications,” the Ijok Assemblyman said.

Among the issues faced by the District Land Office are applications that involve government reserves such as road and river reserves as well as technical problems between the situation of the land and the different parishes of land that require separate reports.

State Government Contributes Funds for Humanitarian Film Festival

SHAH ALAM, 29 Nov: The State Government has contributed RM 33,215 to the Malaysian Popular Communications Centre For Human Rights (KOMAS) for the organisation of the Freedom Film Fest.

Welfare and Culture Exco member, Rodziah Ismail said that the Freedom Film Fest (FFF) organised by KOMAS had received recognition from the State Government for the last three years.

She said that the last FFF2012 themed ‘Democracy: Who’s Boss?’ had screened documentaries on human rights issues such as the rights of students in politics, indigenous land rights, religious rights and the appropriation of power in Sabah and Perak by Umno-BN.

“The State Government has always supported the freedom of information so that it becomes a resolution and adherence to all the people in the state,” she said.

She said this in response to queries from Hulu Klang Assemblyman, Saari Sungib regarding the State Government policies on NGO activities in the production of human rights documentary films.

The question was posed during the Selangor State Assembly (DNS) sitting today.

In relation to that, since 2010 the State Government has established newspapers like the Selangor Times and SelangorKini as well as electronic media channels such as TV Selangor, to disseminate information to the people in the state.

She said that alternative media channels also produce documentaries and short films related to human rights issues.

Minister Lied, DOE Never Supported the Batu Caves 29-Storey Condo Project

SHAH ALAM, 29 Nov: Housing and Local Government Minister, Datuk Chor Chee Heung lied when he claimed that the Department of Environment (DOE) had supported the 29-storey condominium project in Batu Caves.

Instead the DOE, in a press release dated January 24, 2007, clearly did not support the project that is being developed by Dolomite Industries Sdn Bhd.

However, the project developer stubbornly wants to continue the development regardless of DOE’s stance.

This was according to Tourism, Consumer Affairs and Environment Exco member, Elizabeth Wong in her press conference at the Selangor State Assembly (DNS) Annex building lobby today.

“DOE never issued the letter of support as claimed by the Minister of Housing in the Malaysiakini report entitled “Chor: Dolomite submits engineering solutions” dated 19 November 2012,” said Elizabeth.

Elizabeth also showed the DOE report which was signed by the Selangor DOE Director, Rosli Zul, that clearly opposed the development as it could potentially cause landslide problems.

Elizabeth also said that until now, nine blocks of the commercial building project has been completed but still unoccupied as it has yet to received the Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC).

Previously, during the era of the Umno-BN administration, Selayang Municipal Council had given the planning permission for project, located about 180 metres from the Mahamariamman Temple in Batu Caves.

However, the project has received objection from Hindus who are concerned that it will affect Batu Caves’ soil structure as it is their place of worship.

Selangor Authority Limited, the Federal Government Should be More Strict in Curbing Gambling

SHAH ALAM, 29 Nov: Federal Government agencies have been asked to take strict action in combating illegal gambling centres by disconnecting internet and phone lines of premises holding such activities.

Local Government Exco member, Ronnie Liu said that the Federal Government has the overall authority in taking action against such premises.

“The Federal Government through the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) should be able to disconnect internet services and telephone lines on gambling premises.

“Without these two services, they (illegal gambling premises) will no longer be able to operate anymore,” he said.

Ronnie was responding to oral questions from Kota Damansara Assemblyman, Dr Mohd Nasir Hashim at the Selangor State Assembly (DNS) session this morning.

Mohd Nasir claimed that gambling centres continue to open up new operations in the Kota Damansara despite having their premises raided and seized by local authorities.

Ronnie explained that the authority of the State Government is limited in terms of efforts taken to eliminate the existence of illegal gambling premises.

In this regard, he urged for the Federal Government to act more decisively in addressing this problem.

“Unfortunately, because the power of the Local Authorities are limited, this situation is persisting. Those who have the power however, are slow in taking action,” he said.

Selangor to Provide Homes For Poor Urban Dwellers to Rent

SHAH ALAM, 29 Nov: The State Government plans to provide poor urban dwellers with homes for rent as a measure to make sure all the people in Selangor have homes.

Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said that the matter has to be carried out as not all people in this state can afford to buy a house or own their own homes.

“The matter is very important and must be discussed from the aspect of policy making.”

“I have found that in order to provide homes for entire families in Selangor, we should not only undertake strategies to sell houses to the people but, also allow them to rent homes.”

“We will start working on it so that in the future,whether they are owners or tennants, no one will be homeless.”

He said this in reply to a supplementary question by Lembah Jaya Assemblyman Khasim Abdul Aziz at the Selangor State Assembly session today.

Meanwhile, Abdul Khalid said that the State Government’s efforts to build more low-cost and medium-cost houses will be carried out continuously.

He said that the State Government will create a new strategy of using an allocation of RM50 million from the state reserves to increase construction of Affordable Homes in Selangor.

State Government Framework Includes Various Programmes for Single Mothers

SHAH ALAM, 28 Nov: A total of 24,009 women in Selangor under the category of single mothers have been given the opportunity to improve their standard of living as the State Government has planned various programmes to take them out of poverty.

Welfare, Women’s Affairs, Science, Technology, Innovation and Culture Exco member, Rodziah Ismail said that the initiative is taken so that they are not left behind in the development of the state.

“Among the programmes carried out is the Selangor Women’s Empowerment project through the Women’s Centre of Culture (PWB), the Rural Microcredit Sheme (SkimSel), Urban Microcredit Scheme (Mimbar), Women’s Farming Microcredit Scheme (Wala), Single Parent Empowerment Program SOHO Selangor (PET-SOHO- S), People Care Assistance Scheme (SiKembar), Selangor Kindergarten Assistance Scheme (Tunas) as well as the Selangor Zakat Board (LZS) and the Selangor Welfare Department.

“All the programs and schemes offered are to attract single mothers in Selangor to join and sign up to participate,” she said when answering questions from Kota Alam Shah Assemblyman, M Manoharan in the Selangor State Assembly (DNS) session here, today.

Rodziah said that from the amount specified, single mothers among the Malays recorded the highest number of 18,011 people, Indians (1,574), Chinese (792), indigenous peoples (two) and others (3,630).

She said that studies conducted by higher education institutions as well as local and international NGOs have found that among the problems that are faced is the financial difficulty to meet the their’s and their family’s daily needs.

Besides that, she added, it also involves problems with court dealings such as not receiving maintenance from divorce settlements as well as having to go through the cumbersome process of court proceedings in the long run.

“Problems regarding proper care children while earning a living and psychological effects, especially in the first three months as a single mother also plagues them,” she said.

Cancel Development on PKNS Field: CM Discuss With Excos

SHAH ALAM, 28 Nov: Seri Setia Assemblyman, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad’s motion of wanting the State Government to just cancel the application of the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) Field Land Development in Kelana Jaya will be discussed with the Excos and parties involved, says Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

According to Nik Nazmi, the application under the Petaling Jaya Local Plan 2 (RTPJ2) also does not have to be brought before the board of appeals because it has been proven that there has been document falsification regarding the application.

“If possible, the State Government should stop the application immediately because the people clearly want the field to be saved.

“For me it would be best if the State Government is able show a good example by retracting the application for the PKNS land development,” he said.

Elaborating further, Abdul Khalid said that he would take into consideration the opinion of the Select Committee on Competency, Accountability and Transparency (SELCAT) as well as the Board of Appeals.

The SELCAT report last week had found no evidence to say that there is an element of deception regarding the issue of the field development.

However, the SELCAT Chairman, Datuk Teng Chang Kim did not deny in the report that the officers in the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) Planning Department were reckless in carrying out their duties, incompetent and unprofessional in drafting the RTPJ 2.

Previously, the issue was raised when the PKNS wanted to develop the PKNS field in SS7 Kelana Jaya near the Damansara Puchong Expressway into a commercial project.

The State Government then decided to bring the issue to the SELCAT public hearing after being proposed by the Seri Setia Assemblyman in June.

CM: Selangor Land Not For ‘Rental Boss’

SHAH ALAM, 28 Nov: Land for commercial activities such as businesses or farms will be sold at the market price so that the profits of the sale can be channeled to the state and the people.

Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said that this is different from the previous Umno-BN administration’s approach that had given out land without fair valuation.

Abdul Khalid said that the land will only be given to owners who are entrepreneurs or owner-operators.

It is not for ‘rentiers’ or ‘rental bosses’ ie those who want to lease or rent land to others.

“Unlike the past where the land given away too cheaply, we will now offer the land according to business policies and current prices.

“The money we get back will be used in turn, to benefit the people,” he said answering oral questions from Dengkil Assemblyman, Datuk Marsum Paing regarding the Temporary Occupation Licence (TOL) that have been given to farming operators.

Permanent Ownership Offered to Residents of Village Lands

SHAH ALAM, 28 Nov: The state government will not be issuing any Temporary Occupation License (TOL) to residents who have established settlements on government land.

On the other hand, Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said, the State Government is more interested in giving them ownership status.

“Therefore we have directed the District Office to determine if they really live there, then we will give them ownership rights.

“This practice is seen to better in the long run as compared to the practice of giving out TOLs as practiced before,” said Abdul Khalid.

He answered questions from the Paya Jaras Assemblyman, Datuk Muhammad Bushro Mat Johor regarding the land ownership status of state government-owned land in traditional kampungs.

Commenting on the issue of overlapping land ownership, Abdul Khalid explained the State Government will replace the land in cases of overlapping ownership.

However, the replacement of land is subject to the directions of the High Court’s decision, ordering that the replacement will only be made if the error occurs at the State Government level.

“If duplication occurs because of fraud, the responsibility (replacing the land) does not fall in the hands of the state government,” he said.