Serangan Jakarta : ISIS akui terlibat

Kumpulan Militan Negara Islam Iraq dan Syria (ISIS) mengakui terlibat dalam insiden letupan bom di Jakarta

Letupan bom di Jakarta, 6 terbunuh

6 ledakan bom berlaku sekitar pusat membeli belah Sarinah, Jakarta. 6 orang dilaporkan terbunuh termasuk 3 anggota polis.


Turkish bombing – we condemn the ruthless killing


We deplore the recent deadly bomb attack in Turkey which killed 95 victims who were attending a rally promoting peace with Kurdish rebels. While no one has claimed responsibility, the perpetrators of this ruthless attack, whoever they may be, must be brought to justice.

Our prayers and sympathies go out to the family and loved ones of those who perished in the attack. Sadly, this attack has come hardly two months after a similar attack on peace activists in Konya in July which killed more than 30 people.

Indeed, these tragic incidents,being symptomatic of the breakdown in Kurdish-Turkish peace negotiations, may well be regarded as direct assaults on peace itself. We therefore urge all sides to do their utmost to reduce tensions and work towards resolving issues in a peaceful manner.

It should not be forgotten that for the past decades, Turkey has successfully shown herself as a progressive Muslim democracy and a shining example for other Muslim nations to follow. No effort should be spared in ensuring that these achievements will not be undone.

# Mohamed Azmin Ali is the Chief Minister of Selangor

Pejabat PM takut terima memorandum macam takut terima bom!