Selangor Still Ideal Investment Destination

SHAH ALAM,12 Dec: Selangor still remains as the main destination for investors among all other states when it recorded a total investment of RM7.68 billion which covers 24% of the total amount of investments in the country.

Investment, Industry and Trade Exco, Teresa Kok said that for the period of January till September 2012, Selangor has retained an excellent investment momentum with 186 manufacturing projects being approved.

These projects have provided 16,076 job opportunities for nine months recently.

This amount surpasses other states in terms of the total investment received.

She said that the total of approved investments in Selangor, 71% or RM5.47 billion were domestic investments.

Meanwhile 29 per cent or RM 2.21 billion were from foreign investments.

“Local investors are major contributors and this indirectly shows the local investors confidence and trust in the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leadership.”

She said this at a press conference at the State Government Secretary’s office today.

Meanwhile, Sabah ranked second with total investments of RM4.84 billion followed by Sarawak, at third place with RM4.68 billion.

“Selangor recorded a total of 186 projects approved or 32% out of the total projects throughout Malaysia,” she, who is also the Kinrara Assemblywoman, said.

Teresa said that from the total amount of projects, 112 of them were new projects with a total investment of RM4.74 billion.

Meanwhile, 74 projects were expansion projects and others with a total investment worth RM2.94 billion.

Landslide Monitoring Hotline

SHAH ALAM, 12 Dec: Following heavy rains occurring almost every day, the State Government has taken the initiative to provide a hotline to ease the public in monitoring and to report any early signs of possible landslides in the state.

Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said that the toll free number, 1-800-88-2824, will be operational beginning Monday by providing the public the facility of reporting any incidents or in providing information regarding movements of land in their areas.

According to him, all complaints will be notified immediately to the Local Authorities (PBT) and other authorities to carry out further investigations.

“The public will be able to report should they find water coming out of the surface of the ground or slopes; fences; retaining walls and trees that are leaning or have fallen; cracks growing on the surface of slopes or pavements such as roads and vehicle routes; leaking underground pipes or stairs having gaps,” he said.

This was said by Abdul Khalid to reporters in a press statement after chairing the Executive State Council conference at the State Secretariat Building (SUK), today.

In the meantime, he also advised local residents, especially those living in high risk areas such as on slopes and hills, to provide an early warning system within the community including relocation plans in the event of landslides.

“The State Government is concerned about the safety of the people and is advising the people of Selangor to become more aware of any changes around because early preparation can save lives and property,” he added.

Three Malay Siblings Claim Rights As Citizens

PUTRAJAYA, 12 Dec: If previously, problems regarding Identity Cards were centred on the Indian community, today three Malay siblings came forward to claim their rights as citizens of Malaysia.

Until now, Abdul Hakam Rosli, 17, Liyana Rosli, 16 and Noratika Rosli, 14, respectively born in Port Dickson Hospital, have been still using the red identity card.

Abdul Hakam related the three siblings’ experiences saying that he had applied for the citizen’s blue identity card since he was 12 years old however, was only given the red identity card when he was 15 years old.

“My friends always made fun of me (mockingly) because there is a red IC at school. During examinations, I have to pay more,” said the eldest brother of 5 siblings.

They came forward as a result of initiatives carried out by Cabang Teluk Kemang PKR. They now live with their grandfather, Atan Samah at Batu 4, Port Dickson after their father had passed away.

It is understood that their mother is a citizen of Indonesia.

Meanwhile, another red identity card owner Gnanapregasam A/L Marian, 67 also expressed outrage following his failed application, which he made over five times.

Despite having a local birth certificate in addition to obtaining letters of support from the BN party’s complaints bureau, he is still using a red identity card which he obtained in his school days.

“I have a birth certificate. I have already applied five times. Although a letter has already been sent to the Prime Minister, Najib (Razak),still there is none (identity card).

“When reporting to the National Registration Department (JPN), there is a case. I have already asked what case, they said Article 16. Even at the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN), they also said Article 16.

“I now work as a guard,” he added.

He further explained that he also participated in the MyDaftar programme at Batu Caves, however it all still led to a dead end.

Nearly 300 applicants were present at the Putrajaya National Registration Department in conjunction with the ’12-12-12 Seated Protest Assembly’.

State Government Countersues Conspirators Exploiting Single Mothers

KLANG, 10 Dec: The State Government will make a counter suit to the conspirators involved regarding the allowance for single mothers which was claimed to not be delivered by the State Government which is being administered by Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

Welfare, Women’s Affairs, Science, Technology, Innovation and Culture Exco, Rodziah Ismail said that the countersuit was made because it involves the integrity of the State Government which has been slandered by some unscrupulous people.

She said that the State Government has so far amortised many welfare programs and has not ignored any despite political differences.

“We have received summons letter from Messrs Kamarudin & Partners and our side is looking into the suit while the state attorney is preparing a number of documents for us to make a counter suit,” she said to reporters after the Selangor ‘Thank You Chief Minister’ Programme for the State Government’s contribution of free water supply to Bukit Kuda Apartments, here.

She said that more than 2,000 single mother nominees have allegedly not received the single mother assistance will also be checked for validity of their claim.

Previously, 2,020 single mothers in Selangor had filed a lawsuit worth RM10.9 million against the State Government and the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim for allegedly failing to give the single mothers allowance as contained in the 12th General Election Manifesto.

The lawsuit was filed by Messrs Kamarudin & Partners at the Shah Alam Registrar of the High Courts recently.

In the claim, it was stated that the State Government and Abdul Khalid, who were named first and second defendants, failed to pay the single mothers allowance of RM100 as promised in the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) Manifesto for 54 months starting from the 1st of April 2008 till the 30th of October 2012 to all plaintiffs totaling to RM10,908,000.

Rodziah explained that the ‘allowance’ specified in the Pakatan Rakyat manifesto during the last elections did not specify money as the form of assistance given to single mothers, instead it prioritises those who are eligible.

But, it is a form of assistance which is delivered through a number of programmes such as the economic programme which involves mothers like the Women Empowerment Programme through the Centre of Women Empowerment (PWB), Urban and Rural Microcredit Schemes (MiMBAR and SkimSel), Selangor SOHO Single Mothers Empowerment Programme and the Farm Women Microcredit Scheme (WALA).

She also advised the single mothers involved to not be a ‘saddle horse’ (hack) for any other party for the benefit of political parties.

“I dare say that they are only ‘acting’ of allegedly being betrayed by the State Government because they are pressured or have been cheated by other political parties,” she said.

Free Water for Apartments: SYABAS Terms Makes Troublesome for Residents

KLANG, 9 Dec: Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS) action in setting strict conditions for the migration process of central meters to individual meters is the main cause as to why the Joint Management Bodies (JMB) and apartment residents cannot enjoy the free water supply given by the Selangor State Government.

In sharing experiences in dealing with the application, Batu Kuda Apartment JMB Chairman, Ahmad Ibrahim said that the State Government has actually eased the migration process however SYABAS has not given their full cooperation other than imposing stringent procedures.

He said that among the conditions imposed by SYABAS is requiring 100% of the residents consent including making new application through the ‘Switch Meter Clearance’ (SMP) form for each individual and to provide a meter deposit of RM130 per home.

In addition, the residents are required to pay the total amount of overdue bills and all plumbing costs as well as the costs of changing the meters are incurred by the owners.

“The conditions prescribed are very troublesome. Naturally they (Syabas) should understand that to execute all such conditions is not easy, many problems are faced by the residents and JMB.

“My experience in dealing with the applications was that the applications took a year to finalise after being rejected several times by SYABAS that I had to go to the SYABAS headquarters to try to get the free water (supply),” he told TV Selangor.

Ahmad further recounted the story of how the JMB of his apartment was forced to withdraw management funds of RM15,000 to advance the payment of outstanding bills.

He said that not only did he have to do that, but he also had to find the real owners of each apartment unit to get their consent.

“I personally sent notices to 450 apartment units to get their feedback. I faced many problems. That was just in the beginning. I only managed to find half of the owners. In the end I managed to collect them all (applications) after subsequent steps were taken,” he said.

In addition, he explained, the residents had to pay RM45 for each apartment unit for the modification of their meter while the JMB had to pay Rm5,000 for meter reparations.

“If calculated, the cost for modifying the converted meters of 450 housing units has incurred a huge sum which is RM20,200. That is by doing it ourselves. If we had hired a contractor, the price would probably be doubled,” he said.

In relation to that, he said that due to the conditions imposed by SYABAS, residents of other apartments have yet to enjoy the 20 cubic metres of free water apart from the fact that they are not getting cooperation from the residents themselves.

“Every resident should understand, as well as the JMB, do not blame the State Government, perhaps the application that has been sent to SYABAS is not complete,” he said.

Meanwhile, resident Hartila Md Daud, 42, thanked the State Government for always being caring towards the people.

“I hope that people of Selangor continue to support the current State Government in administering the state and to successively go on to Putrajaya because I have seen and felt it myself, the State Government has lightened my family’s burden by a lot,” she said.

Another resident, Imran Ismail, 44, hopes that the State Government will continue to take care of the people who are consistently being overwhelmed by the high cost of living.

“With this, the free water supply and many other assistance programs, it has to some extent been able to reduce our, the people of Selangor’s burden,” he said.

AMK Criticises Penang BN Racist Politics

SHAH ALAM, 9 Dec: The Penang Keadilan Youth Brigide (AMKPP) condemned the Penang BN Chairman, Teng Chang Yeow on his actions concerning his racist statement that questioned the increase in allocations for Islamic Affairs of the state by the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) Government.

Deputy Chief, Dr Afif Bahardin in a media statement described the statement by Teng as being merely to gain political support and thus, highlighting ‘Islamophobia’ among MCA party members.

According to him, the statement was not only irresponsible but it also illustrates Teng’s superficiality as a leader.

“AMKPP criticises Teng’s attitude of trying to cause unease among non-Muslims with the seditious statement. In fact, since the administration of Pakatan Rakyat, the fate of the people of Penang, regardless of race and religion, has continiously been given proper representation by the State Government.

“The increase in the Islamic affairs budget demonstrates the economic governance of the state under Pakatan Rakyat has been better by recording a surplus. So with this surplus, more funds can be channeled to educational programmes and to form the identity of the people to create a civil society in Penang.

“This fact proves the previous State Government, led by BN was a weak administrator and had failed to govern the economy well,” he said.

Afif also claimed that Teng’s latest statement clearly shows the real attitude of BN and MCA leaders who are not only racist but anti-Islamic.

He said firmly that the AMKPP believes that the people of Penang are far more discerning and will not be affected by BN and their components racist politics.

“Every Umno wing should not be afraid to reprimand their own component because this issue does not just involve Malays and Islam but it involved the welfare of the people of Penang as a whole.

“The attitude of Umno being silent till today when faced by their component party, MCA, proves that Umno is no longer able to represent the interests of the Muslim Malay community.

“AMKPP believed that the people of Penang will continue to provide a greater mandate for Pakatan Rakyat to administer this state and to form the next Federal Government at Putrajaya in the upcoming 13th General Elections,” he added.

Construction of Youth Square in Hopes of Birthing National Sporting Champions

TANJONG KARANG, 8 Dec: The construction of a Youth Square in Kampung Parit Serong here is in hoped to produce more national sporting champions that has the caliber and will be able to bring honour to the country.

Permatang State Legislative Assembly Service Centre Coordinator, Yahya Sahri said that previously a state and national football champion had come from the village although there were no satisfactory sports facilities.

Previously, Amri had represented Selangor since 2001 and was given the title of ‘golden boy’ when he had scored the Selangor victory goal in the 2002 Malaysia Cup finals against Sabah. In 2005, Amri had also helped Selangor win three trophies.

Amri’s grandeur prevailed after scoring two goals in the friendly match against Manchester United on July 18, 2009.

“Although there were no fields or Futsal gourts here previously, there was still a sports champion.

“Now, we provide Futsal courts and hopefully in five years, a (sports) hero will emerge here,” said Yahya.

He said that youths should be brave to step into courts and not just watch what is happening.

Malay Customs, Youth and Sports Exco, Dr Yunus Hairi said that the construction of Youth Squares across all areas of the Selangor State Assembly (DNS) through the Selangorku Grant is to promote healthy activities amongst the younger generation.

“This Youth Square has to be fully utilised immediately by having the local leaders and local youth motivators organise useful activities,” said Yunus.

He said this during a speach at the Parit Serong Rural Leisure Programme which was held at the Permatang State Legislative Assembly Youth Square at Kampung Parit Serong here.

He also hoped that these facilities will be upgraded with the installation of free wifi service and various programmes which can he held here such as live broadcasts of sporting activities as well as religious programmes.

Kampung Parit Serong JKKK Chairperson, Asahari Mardzuki said that the Youth Square built here is important for the development of youth sports here, where previously, such facilities were not available.

He said that with the completion of the Youth Square, the superfluousness of the State Government is reflected in the mobilising of the younger generation in being active in meaningful activities.

“This policy which is pro-rakyat (people centric) benefits the community of this village,” he said.

An allocation of RM160,000 was channeled to the building of the Youth Square which also provides facilities such as sepak takraw, badminton, volleyball and futsal courts as well as a stage and toilet amenities.

MDKL Status Upgraded to Municipal Council

KUALA LANGAT, 8 Dec: The status of Kuala Langat District Council (MDKL) will be soon upgraded to Kuala Langat Municipal Council (MPKL).

Welfare, Women’s Affairs, Science, Technology, Innovation and Culture Exco, Rodziah Ismail said that this is because the Local Authority (PBT) has fulfilled the criteria and conditions.

She said that MDKL had not only provided basic local government services, but it also played a major role in implementing State Government programmes that can contribute to the economic growth and the development of Selangor as an internationally ranked state.

“MDKL is considered as an important tool in the modernisation of local socio-economic development, among them are historical places, and tourism, which goes on a lot in Kuala Langat.

“So there is no reason MDKL cannot change its status to become a Municipal Council. The change in status will be announced soon,” she said at the Closing Ceremony of the Street Festival organised by the Standing Cultural Committee of Selangor with the cooperation of MDKL in Kanchong Darat here.

Rodziah added that this is in line with the State Government’s goals of wanting 90% of the state to be municipals in accordance with the current situation, economy and local society.

For the record, Kuala Langat District Council was established on the 1st of January, 1977, under the 1976 Local Government Act.

This is through the three local combinations – Sungai Jarom Local Council, Tanjung Sepat Local Council and the Kuala Langat Town Board.

The ares of administration in its early days was 3.7 square miles (9.6 km) and had increased to 857.70 km squared, including three nautical miles.

In addition, Kuala Langat district has an area of ​​87.704 hectares. The total population now exceeds 270,000 people with the majority being Malays, followed by Chinese and Indians as well as a small number of indigenous peoples.

Kuala Langat is one of nine districts in the state. It is bordered by the Klang District and Sepang. Part of the Kuala Langat district is located along the Straits of Malacca.

The rapid development of areas such as Putrajaya and the KLIA Airport has put the district in strategic position for investment.

In addition, the region is supported by good road infrastructure that connects to Central Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Shah Alam, Bandar DiRaja Klang, Port Klang, Putrajaya and KLIA.

Now, in the district, there is also an industrial area that is classified as a Free Trade Zone in Telok Panglima Garang. In addition, there are also areas of interest here such as Bukit Jugra, Morib beach and several Homestay villages.

Virtual Business for Mimbar Participants

SHAH ALAM, 8 Dec: The Selangor Urban Microcredit Scheme (Mimbar) will create opportunities for virtual businesses (internet) among Mimbar entrepreneurs in the effort of improving participants income.

Welfare, Women’s Affairs, Science, Technology, Innovation and Culture Exco, Rodziah Ismail said that virtual business is among Mimbar’s latest steps to create more competitive entrepreneurs through the generation of internet businesses in the state.

“Virtual business is not strange in the business world today.

“In fact, it can also highlight products that have been produced by the people of this state in order to penetrate a wider market,” she told reporters after the Batu Tiga division Mimbar Participants Get-Together function at De Palma Hotel, here.

She said that Mimbar participants will be given, in stages, a computer learning course beforehand.

“The State Government has already provided cyber cafes in every State Legislative Assembly (DUN) respectively. Therefore, first they would have to register at the Batu Tiga DUN Service Centre.

“Next, we will gradually ask them to attend the course which will be held weekly.

“We want them to actively promote products that have been manufactured by entrepreneurs of this state to markets outside the state and also abroad,” she said.

So far, more than RM10 million has been allocated to the programme while a total of 5,426 people are eligible for loan application.

Selangor Land Scandal: Najib Has to ‘Clean the Hands’ of Umno-BN leaders

SHAH ALAM, 7 Dec: Datuk Seri Najib Razak must take responsibility now regarding the land scandal that involves Selangor Umno-BN leaders.

This is because the leaders involved have been pointing fingers at each other, especially involving the land scandal in Subang.

Democratic Action Party (DAP) Publicity Secretary, Tony Pua said that they (Umno-BN leaders) are now already caught-up in the scandal and are begining to deny their involvement in the scandal.

Previously, DAP had revealed that as much as 87,188 square feet of land had been given to Subang Umno and has been claimed to purchase the land at a cheap price in 2004.

Tony claims that the land is now the site of a condominium project, Suria Damansara, consisting of 200 units worth RM450,000 per unit while the current market value now stands at RM90 million.

However, previously, Selangor Umno Information Chief, Abdul Shukor Idrus had explained that the and was purchased for community purposes including the construction of kindergartens and community halls.

“When they (BN) denied our claim, they said that the land was to build a kindergarten, and a community hall as well as other facilities. However, this is not the case.

“Now that they have been caught, they are blaming each other and have begin to point fingers at other Umno-BN leaders,” he said in a media statement.

Tony Fernandes who is also the MP for Petaling Jaya Utara, explained that the Subang Umno Division Chief, Datuk Muhammad Bushro Mat Johor had denied that the land is owned by the Subang Umno.

Bushro claimed that there is no land listed under the Subang Umno assets since he became the head of the division.

“However, he (Bushro) who is also the Assemblyman of Paya Jaras, had pointed his finger at the previous Division Chief, Datuk Mokhtar Dahlan.

However, yesterday, the former Umno Subang Chief said that he had surrendered the land that was awarded by the BN party to Kelana Jaya Umno, after redrawing the electoral constituencies in 2004.

“The land was awarded for the purpose of building the Umno division building. However, the question is, why is the land now the site of a condominium?

“Unfortunately, incidently, the Acting Chief of Kelana Jaya Umno, Datuk Yahya Bujang is overseas and is unable to give any explanation,” he said.

However, at the same time, Selangor Opposition Leader, Datuk Satim Diman admitted when questioned, and answered that the matter has to be referred to the Selangor Umno Secretary, Datuk Mohd Zin Mohamed for the purpose of gathering further information regarding the matter.

Thus, Tony said that Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak will have to ‘clean the hands’ of his leaders regarding the scandal instead of keeping quiet about it.

He said that Najib, who is also the Chairman of Selangor Umno should be more responsible in regards to the issue.

Aminulrasyid: In the name of Justice, Lawyers Must File Plea

SHAH ALAM,5th DEC : National lawyers have been urged to file a plea in regards to the High Court’s Decision here are Shah Alam to release Corporal Jenain Subi, aged 49, in the fatal shooting of a teenage boy of fifteen years, Aminulrasyid Hamzah two years ago.

Lawyer, N. Surendran who was available for a comment said that the government, the lawyers and the police fully responsible because the family of victim has not been given justice.

“From the beginning, the police has been covering what actuallyhappened by giving false statements about a ‘parang’ in the car.”

“Also, some suggested that Aminulrasyid was driving the car towards the police and this has all been proven untrue,” Surendran added.

He explains that what is most disappointing is that the police have never offered apology in regards to this case.

“We have requested that national lawyers file a plea as soon as possible and that the government and the police offer a sincere apology openly to the family of the deceased for making false claims,” he said.

He also expressed that he is waiting for further instruction from Aminurasyid’s family in regards to the case.

He said that the case clearly highlights the need for Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) by the government to allow investigations of misconduct of the police force.

“Some of the main reasons for this injustice is because of the lack of IPCMC,” he added.

Judge Datuk Abdul Rahman Sebit who considered Jenain’s claims decided in his favour after finding that Jenain had no motive or intention to murder the teen.

Abdul Rahman was satisfied with the explanation of the police that he had only fired a bullet in order to stop the proton Isawara driven by Aminulrasyid, and not to murder the boy.

The judge also mentioned that there is no prima facie case proven for Jenain and that police should not have been asked to defend themselves.

Jenain who was on duty in a unit patrol car, at the Shah Alam Police Headquarters allegedly caused the death of Aminulrasyid between 1.10 am and 2.00 am on the 26th of April 2010 at Jalan Tarian 11/2, Section 11.

The accussed was charged under Section 304(a) of the Penal Code which can carry a sentence of 30 years and a fine.

In mid-September 2011, Session’s Court gave a sentence of five years imprisonment for causing the death of Aminulrasyid.

When giving the sentence, Judge Latifah Mohd Tahar held that the use of weaponry by Jenain whichended with 21 shots was an extreme act and not reasonable under the circumstances, even if it was done to stop the car driven by Aminulrasyid.

Pekawanis Saves Chronic Lymphoma Patient

SUNGAI BULOH, 5th DEC : Derita ditanggung pesakit Lymphoma Kronik, Rohaya Mohd Ariffin, 41, mendapat perhatian Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Amal Wanita Selangor (Pekawanis) yang bersedia menyalurkan bantuan kewangan.

The agony suffered by chronic lymphoma patient, Rohaya Mohd Ariffin, aged 41, gained the attention of Women’s Welfare and Charity Organisation (Pekawanis) who was ready to provide financial assistance.

Chairperson, Puan Sri Salbiah Tunut was quoted saying that Rohaya’s problems were serious and Pekawanis hopes that by undergoing surgery at Sungai Buloh Hospital on Friday, the results will be positive in her favour.

According to her, Rohaya who was suffering from skin cancer gained attention form Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim who proposed a visit to collect more information.

“When news of Rohaya’s illness was printed in the paper, we decided to visit her home and there we found her in criticalcondition.”

“We work together to get to cooperation from the hospital in this matter.”

“We will continue to help in reducing the burdens on the patient and her family.

“Pekawanis will propose for assistance through the Selangorku grant should finance be necessary in this case,” she said after a visit to Rohaya at the hospital today.

Joining the visit today was Permatang’s State Assemblyman, Mohd Yahya Mat Sabri.

Rohaya who is from Sungai Burung was admitted to the Sungai Buloh Hospital today and is expected to undergo surgery to remove a tumor weighing 50 kg from her body.

Her husband, Hassan Zakaria, aged 47, said that his wfe has been suffering the pain for over 30 years as she had her first operation for the first time at eleven years of age at the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital, Klang.

Nevertheless, the tumour has persistently returned year after year and in recent years it has grown at an alarming rate, reaching its enormous size.

“For families earning a low income such as ourselves, accessing medical services has become a burden.”

“It is hoped that the surgery will help and our families are thankful to the state government for being attentive and considerate of our problems,” said the security guard, who is also the second son.